Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future

In this post I would like to offer some personal thoughts and interpretation on the latest book from Xavier Pavie, Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future. Xavier Pavie In the biography that precedes the first chapter, Pavie describes his research activities as addressing the notion of responsible innovation through philosophy ... Toward Responsible innovation. Responsibility and Philosophy for a Humanely Sustainable Future

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 8, Issue 1 reviewed

The first issue of Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation was released in May of 2021, an important milestone for the Journal as it was the first to be open access from its day of publication. In this post we offer an overview of this groundbreaking issue. The volume opens with Erik Fisher’s ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 8, Issue 1 reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Two Recent Academic Publications from Bassetti Foundation Collaborators

As regular readers will know, the Bassetti Foundation holds a prominent position at the meeting point of policy focused and academic focused debate around Responsible Innovation, contemporarily holding a seat on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Responsible Innovation (JRI) and coordinating both the Lombardy Regional Forum for Research and Innovation and the TRANSFORM ... Two Recent Academic Publications from Bassetti Foundation Collaborators

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Luck as a challenge for the responsible governance of science and technology. JRI Special Issue part 2.

In this post we take a look at the second recent Open Access Special Issue offered by the Journal of Responsible Innovation: Luck as a challenge for the responsible governance of science and technology. In their introduction and overview of the various contributions to this Special Issue, Editors Martin Sand and Samantha Copeland describe the ... Luck as a challenge for the responsible governance of science and technology. JRI Special Issue part 2.

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Special Issue on Public engagement in contested political contexts

As regular readers will know, 2021 brought great changes to the Journal of Responsible Innovation as it took on Open Access status. Alongside a celebratory ‘bumper issue’ (reviewed here), two supplement Special Issues were released. In this post we offer an overview of the first with a review of the second to follow. As Shannon ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Special Issue on Public engagement in contested political contexts

Jonathan Hankins

Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices. A Book Review.

Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices. Edited by Emad Yaghmaei and Ibo van de Poel, Routledge (2021), Open Access. Over recent years, the EU has funded a long series of projects aimed at building tools and tool kits to help various sectors implement Responsible Innovation Approaches. From the Preface we learn that this collection ... Assessment of Responsible Innovation: Methods and Practices. A Book Review.

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 2

(This is the second part of the review of vol 7, issue 3. Here the first.) This mammoth issue of the Journal continues with Civic ethics as a normative framework for responsible research and innovation by Félix Lozano and Irene Monsonís-Payá. In this article the authors explore the potential of discursive ethics proposed by Habermas ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 1

December 2020 saw the release of Issue 3 of Volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. It was a bumper issue, with 25 articles and perspectives, a celebration of the journal’s move to becoming an open access publication. In this post we review the first half of the publication, offering an overview and summary ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

In order to celebrate the release of his book Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach (you can find it here), Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins is running a ten-part series on the technologybloggers website in which he offers an outline of each chapter alongside posts offering further analysis of topics addressed. The series started in June with ... Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

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ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review

The ROSIE: RESPONSIBLE & INNOVATIVE SMEs IN CENTRAL EUROPE project held its final event (virtually) on 23 June 2020, a celebration and presentation of three year’s work carried out across 8 central European countries and involving 11 partners. The aim of the project was to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors and to promote ... ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review

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Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach di Jonathan Hankins, è stato pubblicato grazie alla Scuola di Dottorato dell’Università di Bergamo. Il libro si basa sulla tesi di dottorato di Hankins, dedicata alla “Innovazione Poiesis Intensive”, uno dei grandi filoni esplorati dalla Fondazione Bassetti. Hankins utilizza casi studio per evidenziare come coloro che seguono un approccio artigianale ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

The latest Responsible Innovation publication, Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach by Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins has just been published through the Doctorate School of Bergamo University. The book is based on Hankins’ PhD thesis of the same name, in which he investigates one of the Bassetti Foundation approaches to thinking about responsibility in ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

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