Call for Applications to Test the HEIRRI Training Materials

The HEIRRI project is offering the chance to test RRI higher education training materials. HEIRRI (Higher Education Institutions and Responsible Research and Innovation) is a European project funded by the Science for Society H2020 call. The project is led by Pompeu Fabra University and has 9 partners from across Europe representing individual institutions, associations of ... Call for Applications to Test the HEIRRI Training Materials

Redazione FGB

Trust in expert knowledge in medicine and Technoscience. A meeting with Silvia Camporesi

Thoughts on Bioethics, public communication and participation. Index: report, video, slides, paper, photos. From health to technoscience, and from medicine to politics: trust in expert knowledge is progressively falling. This is a global phenomena, sitting intertwined within a complex relational system whose themes are public communication and participation, individual and collective narratives and power. But ... Trust in expert knowledge in medicine and Technoscience. A meeting with Silvia Camporesi

Redazione FGB

SMART-map project

SMART-map (RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies) is a coordination and support action financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme. Bassetti Foundation is a key partner of the SMART-map consortium. SMART-map’s goal is to define and implement concrete roadmaps for the responsible development of industrial technologies and ... SMART-map project

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Looking Back on 2016

2016 was a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation (FGB), involving our participation in projects and conferences and events across the world. In this editorial we cast a light upon some of the year’s major events. Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World January saw FGB participate in the Go4 Joint Final ... Looking Back on 2016

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Turning the tide or surfing the wave?

We publish an excerpt from the paper by Simone Amaldi and Guido Gorgoni in which they explore the political and economic context in which the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation has gained attention and taken shape. — Turning the tide or surfing the wave? Responsible Research and Innovation, fundamental rights and neoliberal virtues. The ... Turning the tide or surfing the wave?

Guido Gorgoni
Simone Arnaldi

Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

On November, 14th, The Fondazione Bassetti had the honor to host Professor David Guston, Founding Director of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Co-Director of the Institute for the Future of Innovation in Society Arizona State University. Professor Guston spoke on Synbio and he held a lecture titled “From Frankenstein to ... Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

Angela Simone
Redazione FGB

David Guston in Bassetti Foundation

Six years on from his previous visit to Milan, the Bassetti Foundation is honoured to host Professor David Guston, Founder of the Centre for Nanotechnology in Society, and the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (of which we are members alongside collaborating with him on the Journal of Responsible Innovation) and also the School for the ... David Guston in Bassetti Foundation

Redazione FGB

David Guston in Fondazione Bassetti

(Update 16-11-2016: in fondo a questa pagina qualche immagine dell’evento) La Fondazione è lieta di ospitare, a sei anni dalla sua ultima visita a Milano, il professor David Guston, fondatore del Centre for Nanotechnology in Society, poi del Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (di cui siamo parte, come del Journal che David ha diretto) e ... David Guston in Fondazione Bassetti

Redazione FGB

Exploring bioethically-relevant discourse: research perspectives. Colloquium.

21 October 2016, Università degli Studi di Milano Polo di Mediazione Interculturale e di Comunicazione Dipartimento di Scienze della mediazione linguistica e di studi interculturali Room P1, first floor Piazza Montanelli 1, Sesto San Giovanni This one-day colloquium focuses on the discursive representation of bioethical issues both in specialized and in popularizing forms of communication, ... Exploring bioethically-relevant discourse: research perspectives. Colloquium.

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World Bioethics Day 2016

World Bioethics Day “Conversations on human dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms” 19 ottobre 2016 Sala Napoleonica Università degli Studi di Milano Via Sant’Antonio, 12 – Milano Durante l’11° UNESCO Chair in Bioethics svoltasi l’anno scorso a Napoli, è stata indetta la prima giornata mondiale dedicata alla bioetica: il World Bioethics Day 2016 Human Dignitiy ... World Bioethics Day 2016

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Advocacy e Training

Il 18 maggio, dalle ore 10.30 alle 17.30 si terrà a Roma il primo evento italiano di Advocacy e Training del progetto europeo RRI Tools (, finanziato dal Settimo Programma Quadro, nell’ambito del quale Fondazione Cariplo – coordinatore Hub per l’Italia e la Svizzera – e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, partner dell’Hub Italiano, collaborano al think ... Advocacy e Training

Redazione FGB

Fungal Futures, a Review of the Exhibition

The Fungal Futures exhibition runs from March 24 to May 16 2016, and is being held at the Old Botanical Gardens, part of the University of Utrecht Museum, in the centre of the beautiful city of Utrecht. The exhibition is curated by Maurizio Montalti of Officina Corpuscoli, whom regular readers will know through an interview ... Fungal Futures, a Review of the Exhibition

Jonathan Hankins