Performance Lecture at the International School Utrecht

The Bassetti Foundation recently continued its long-term collaboration with the International School Utrecht as on 23 October Jonathan Hankins delivered a Performance Lecture about sociotechnical imaginaries during a Diploma Years TOK (theory of Knowledge) lesson. The Foundation and the school have been collaborating since 2018, when topics under discussion were ‘the driverless society’ and developments ... Performance Lecture at the International School Utrecht

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NOvation. A Position Paper from René von Schomberg

NOvation. Critical Studies of Innovation As is tradition at the Bassetti Foundation, in this article we propose a little ‘light’ reading for the summer break. The latest edition of NOvation is a special issue that opens with a position paper by René von Schomberg entitled Towards a New Ethos of Science or a Reform of ... NOvation. A Position Paper from René von Schomberg

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René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’

On November 30th 2022, René von Schomberg delivered an open lecture as part of the Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University. The focus was on Robert Merton’s ... René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’

Jonathan Hankins

Bando Citizen Science e Scienze Sociali

Bando RTDA Università di Siena, su fondi del PNRR “Citizen science e scienze sociali: collegamenti teorici e metodologi in contesto universitario” [giovanigeografi] DEADLINE: 12 dicembre 2022 La posizione è offerta dal National Biodiversity Future Center (NBFC) Node 3 “Valutazione e monitoraggio della biodiversità terrestre e d’acqua dolce e sua evoluzione: dalla tassonomia alla genomica e ... Bando Citizen Science e Scienze Sociali

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Collaboratori per attività di ricerca presso STIIMA-CNR

STIIMA-CNR (Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche) svolge attività di Ricerca Scientifica, Sviluppo, Trasferimento Tecnologico, Formazione e Roadmapping strategico per la concezione di sistemi intelligenti, tecnologie industriali abilitanti, prodotti e processi innovativi. La sede di Lecco in particolare si occupa di ricerca nell’ambito della progettazione e sviluppo ... Collaboratori per attività di ricerca presso STIIMA-CNR

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Open Lecture from René von Schomberg

New Ethos of Science or Institutional Reform of Science? The prospects of institutionalizing the research values Openness, Collaboration and Responsiveness On 30 November 2022 at 5PM, René von Schomberg will deliver this open lecture as part of the Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University. ... Open Lecture from René von Schomberg

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Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices

Earlier this summer (May of 2022) The committee on Responsible Computing Research of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA published a Consensus Study Report entitled Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices (following a request from the National Science Foundation). I attended its virtual launch and duly downloaded the prepublication ... Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Grazie al progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM l’11 giugno si svolgerà la prima giornata della Giuria di Cittadine e Cittadini su mobilità intelligente e responsabile in Lombardia. Il progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM, di cui Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è ente coordinatore, è entrato nel suo terzo e ultimo anno di attività. Dopo l’intenso lavoro preparatorio del 2020 ... Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

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Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

This (online) Open Scholarship event will be held on 29 and 30 June 2022, with registration possible by contacting Regular Foundation followers will know many of the people presenting and involved in the organization of the conference, including René von Schomberg, Douglas Robinson, Mario Pansera and Vincent Blok. The following overview has been made ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

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Culture digitali-intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Il convegno AIUCD.

Il convegno annuale dell’Associazione per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale (AIUCD), nel 2022 sarà ospitato dal Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca in digital humanities in collaborazione con i corsi di Laurea in Filosofia, DAMS, Beni Culturali e Digital Humanities e si svolgerà a Lecce tra il primo e il 3 giugno. AIUCD è la maggiore ... Culture digitali-intersezioni: filosofia, arti, media. Il convegno AIUCD.

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Working Towards Sustainable Science Practices: The Second Sustainable Research Symposium

The Sustainable Research Symposium 2022 will be held on May 19th between 9am – 3pm CET at the Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht Science Park in the Netherlands and broadcast online. The symposium is a unique free event about sustainable research which can be followed in person (places are limited however) or online. It was organized ... Working Towards Sustainable Science Practices: The Second Sustainable Research Symposium

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The future of One Health. Call for proposal

SoScience is a social company specialized in Responsible Research and Innovation. In partnership with the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development, we just launched The Future Of One Health. The Future Of programs, recognized by the UN as a good practice to achieve the SDGs, aims to gather 30 to 50 experts (researchers, academics ... The future of One Health. Call for proposal

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