Giuseppe Testa direttore del centro di neuro-genomica di Human Technopole.

Il progetto di Human Technopole è ambizioso e grande. Dal punto di vista della nostra Fondazione, pieno di sfide per un’innovazione assunta responsabilmente. Siamo quindi contenti della nomina di Giuseppe Testa alla direzione del centro di neuro-genomica del Tecnopolo. Il professor Testa è infatti tra le personalità che in questi anni abbiamo più seguito e ... Giuseppe Testa direttore del centro di neuro-genomica di Human Technopole.

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Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Summary of First Events.

The following summary presents a series of bullet points based upon notes taken at the first two Challenges for Responsible Innovation meetings held in Leiden (NL) and London UCL (UK). Both events opened with an introduction from Rene von Schomberg followed by panel member presentations and an open session of questions and points from the ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Summary of First Events.

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Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Leiden Review

The first in the series of events aimed at addressing challenges for responsible innovation (RI) and coinciding with the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation was held on Thursday 12 September in Leiden University (NL). The event was extremely well attended with more than 50 people squeezed into the audience and an extensive ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Leiden Review

Jonathan Hankins

Challenges for Responsible Innovation

In celebration of the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation edited by Rene von Schomberg and our own Jonathan Hankins, a series of debates presentations and round-table events has been organized entitled Challenges for Responsible Innovation. The aim of this series is to address the contents of the handbook and discuss what may ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation

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International Handbook on Responsible Innovation now available

We are pleased to announce that the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation edited by Rene von Schomberg and Jonathan Hankins is now available in hardback and download versions. Many of the leading authors in the field of Responsible Innovation and Responsible Research and Innovation have contributed to this, the largest collection of such materials published ... International Handbook on Responsible Innovation now available

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International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

This, the third and final collection of abstracts from the forthcoming International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, contains Parts Four and Five: Regional Practices and Interviews. The regional Practices section offers perspectives from China, India, South East Europe, the USA and Kenya and South Africa. The section raises issues of the locally or regionally embedding of ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

Jonathan Hankins

International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

As regular readers will know, Mid July sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, A Global Resource, Edited by Rene von Schomberg and Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins. In this short series related to the publication we offer readers the chance to access previously unpublished abstracts and keywords for each individual ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

Jonathan Hankins

International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

July of 2019 sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and myself, Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook represents the largest collection so far put together in the field of Responsible Innovation, with 64 authors offering 36 chapters and interviews covering much of the globe and ... International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

Jonathan Hankins

The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

The Bassetti Foundation is delighted to announce the forthcoming release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation – A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and our own Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook constitutes a global resource for the fast-growing interdisciplinary research and policy communities addressing the challenge of driving innovation towards socially desirable outcomes. ... The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Introduzione alla Responsible Innovation di ROSIE

Come sapranno i lettori abituali, la fondazione Bassetti e i suoi collaboratori prendono parte a un’ampia gamma di progetti esterni. Un esempio è il progetto ROSIE, un progetto finanziato dall’UE Interreg Central Europe che mira a migliorare le competenze di imprenditori e attori dell’innovazione per promuovere l’innovazione responsabile nelle aziende di tutta l’Europa centrale. Nell’ambito ... Introduzione alla Responsible Innovation di ROSIE

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Introduction to Responsible Innovation by ROSIE

As regular readers will know, the Bassetti foundation and its collaborators take part in a broad array of external projects. One example is the ROSIE Project. ROSIE is an Interreg Central Europe EU funded project that aims to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors to promote Responsible Innovation in companies across the central Europe ... Introduction to Responsible Innovation by ROSIE

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An overview of 2018

2018 was a busy and successful year for the Bassetti Foundation and its team of collaborators that saw a host of publications, participation within numerous conferences, collaborations across a wide range of fields and several events hosted in Milan. The following aims to offer an overview of a year’s work, is not exhaustive but offers ... An overview of 2018

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