Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 2

(This is the second part of the review of vol 7, issue 3. Here the first.) This mammoth issue of the Journal continues with Civic ethics as a normative framework for responsible research and innovation by Félix Lozano and Irene Monsonís-Payá. In this article the authors explore the potential of discursive ethics proposed by Habermas ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 1

December 2020 saw the release of Issue 3 of Volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. It was a bumper issue, with 25 articles and perspectives, a celebration of the journal’s move to becoming an open access publication. In this post we review the first half of the publication, offering an overview and summary ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation

Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation (Organized by the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab) Event Date: Wednesday February 3rd, 16.00 – 17.30 (online). Event Description: The organizers of the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab cordially invite you to the IdeaLab’s opening lecture on Responsible Research and Innovation held by Dr. Dr. ... Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation

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Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.

Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation by Stevienna de Saille, Fabien Medvecky, Michiel van Oudheusden, Kevin Albertson, Effie Amanatidou, Timothy Birabi and Mario Pansera has just been released by Bristol University Press. The book opens with a foreword from Richard Owen, in which he offers a succinct overview of the ideas that permeate ... Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

In order to celebrate the release of his book Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach (you can find it here), Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins is running a ten-part series on the technologybloggers website in which he offers an outline of each chapter alongside posts offering further analysis of topics addressed. The series started in June with ... Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

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Responsibility Beyond Growth: A Case for Responsible Stagnation?

The Fourth Quadrant Research Network and Manchester Metropolitan University are holding an online book launch to celebrate the publication of Responsibility Beyond Growth: A Case for Responsible Stagnation?, by Stevienna de Saille, Fabien Medvecky, Michiel van Oudheusden, Kevin Albertson, Effie Amanatidou, Timothy Birabi and Mario Pansera. When: 30th July 2020 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. British ... Responsibility Beyond Growth: A Case for Responsible Stagnation?

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Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach di Jonathan Hankins, è stato pubblicato grazie alla Scuola di Dottorato dell’Università di Bergamo. Il libro si basa sulla tesi di dottorato di Hankins, dedicata alla “Innovazione Poiesis Intensive”, uno dei grandi filoni esplorati dalla Fondazione Bassetti. Hankins utilizza casi studio per evidenziare come coloro che seguono un approccio artigianale ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

The latest Responsible Innovation publication, Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach by Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins has just been published through the Doctorate School of Bergamo University. The book is based on Hankins’ PhD thesis of the same name, in which he investigates one of the Bassetti Foundation approaches to thinking about responsibility in ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

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Responsible Innovation: Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation, a Book Review

Responsible Innovation: Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation is a new offering in the SPRINGER BRIEFS IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION GOVERNANCE series. Edited by Katharina Jarmai, it is available in paper version or as a free download, and offers a lot of food for thought for anyone interested in responsible innovation approaches and applications within ... Responsible Innovation: Business Opportunities and Strategies for Implementation, a Book Review

Jonathan Hankins

Collaboration during COVID-19 | Bottom-up and open source initiatives: report them here!

( Update: April 9, 2020. We therefore await your reports to: ) Finding concrete answers to the needs emerging from the pandemic. From the 3D printing of respirator valves to systems for tracing contagion in real time, from the production of protective clothing that help prevent the contagion of medical workers to protein folding ... Collaboration during COVID-19 | Bottom-up and open source initiatives: report them here!

Anna Pellizzone

Collaborare ai tempi del COVID-19 | Iniziative bottom-up e open source: mandaci le tue segnalazioni!

( Aggiornato il: 20 aprile 2020. Per le segnalazioni scrivere a: ) Dare risposte concrete ai bisogni emersi con la pandemia. Dalla stampa 3D di valvole per i respiratori, a sistemi per tracciare in tempo reale i contagi, dalla produzione di protezioni per prevenire il contagio, alla simulazione del ripiegamento proteico per sviluppare nuove ... Collaborare ai tempi del COVID-19 | Iniziative bottom-up e open source: mandaci le tue segnalazioni!

Anna Pellizzone

Challenges For Responsible Innovation: Milan.

On 23 January, the Bassetti Foundation hosted René von Schomberg for a Challenges for Responsible Innovation event, one of a series organized to celebrate the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. The Foundation is pleased to be able to share videos, podcast and photos of the meeting with supporting summary.     INDEX: Videos part ... Challenges For Responsible Innovation: Milan.

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