Regulating nanotechnology through private actors?

by Brice Laurent While some public officials claim that the potential risks of nanotechnology will be managed as early as possible, numerous questions are raised about the relevance of existing regulation for the many different nano-products. The standards and codes that are being experimented are, at this time, mostly voluntary and emerge from a range ... Regulating nanotechnology through private actors?

Cristina Grasseni at the Slow Food Salon of Taste

On Monday 27th October 2008, within the vast programme of the Slow Food movement’s Salon of Taste which was held in Turin between the 23rd and the 27th October, Cristina Grasseni of the Bassetti Foundation took part in the round table presentation “The Shepherdess: Queen of the Alps”, devoted to the innovative local experiences of ... Cristina Grasseni at the Slow Food Salon of Taste

Cristina Grasseni
Redazione FGB

Science in Society: dialogues and Responsibility conference

A major conference entitled Science in Society: dialogues and Scientific Responsibility takes place in Paris at the Economic and Social Council on the 24th and 25th November 2008. The objective of the conference is to discuss the place science holds within our society. The foundations of this discussion are the growing distrust citizens show towards ... Science in Society: dialogues and Responsibility conference

Mariachiara Tallacchini
Redazione FGB

What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Reflections from a debate at the 2008 Euroscience Open Forum by Maximilian Fochler, Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna Science for a better life – the Euroscience Open Forum 2008 From July 18 to 22 2008 more than 4000 scientists, journalists, policy makers and other interested audiences convened in Barcelona for the ... What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Participation in Technology Assessment

Giuseppe Pellegrini: Could we start by talking about participation and technoscientific innovation in Switzerland considering the activities of your Centre? Sergio Bellucci: The justification for putting elements of participation in Technology Assessment is three-fold. Firstly, it helps to take into consideration the knowledge input from those affected. This is especially important, as it comprehensively informs ... Participation in Technology Assessment

Giuseppe Pellegrini

Responsibility and uncertainty: new perspectives upon responsible action

A conversation with Maria Antonietta Foddai. By Nicole Lozzi Maria Antonietta Foddai is professor of the Philosophy of Law in the faculty of law at the University of Sassari in Italy. She was awarded her degree at the same faculty, with a thesis in civil law entitled “The Functions Of Civil Responsibility”. She continued to ... Responsibility and uncertainty: new perspectives upon responsible action

Responsabilità e incertezza: nuove prospettive per l’agire responsabile

Una conversazione con Maria Antonietta Foddai. di Nicole Lozzi Maria Antonietta Foddai è professore di Filosofia del Diritto presso la Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, dell’Università degli Studi di Sassari. Si laurea presso la medesima Facoltà, con una tesi in diritto civile dal titolo “Le funzioni della responsabilità civile”. Successivamente, con un dottorato in Filosofia e Teoria ... Responsabilità e incertezza: nuove prospettive per l’agire responsabile

Nicole Lozzi

Bioetica, bioetiche: narrazioni e costruzioni culturali

Il linguaggio della bioetica – costruito sul giuramento di Ippocrate e sul codice di Norimberga – combina, attraverso la filosofia morale, i termini bios e ethos offrendo gli strumenti utili per fare ordine in un ambito in cui lo yuk factor, la reazione viscerale, come l’ha definita Leon Kass, spesso ha la meglio sulla razionalità. ... Bioetica, bioetiche: narrazioni e costruzioni culturali

Valentina Porcellana

By Any Other Name

For people new to the work of the Bassetti Foundation, the concept of “responsibility in innovation” can be somewhat elusive. But like most other general concepts, responsibility in innovation is reflected in a wide variety of disciplines, though often by other names. For example, Legal scholars sometimes frame the issue in terms of liability, or ... By Any Other Name

Innovazione a colori

Nel libro di Roberto Panzarani, docente di psicologia delle Organizzazioni dell’Università dell’Aquila,”L’innovazione a colori: una mappa per la globalizzazione” che apre la collana Passepartout della Luiss University Press si conferma la cifra della casa editrice. Una cifra che attraverso pubblicazioni agili e facilmente leggibili, affrontano con lo stile dell’alta divulgazione le tematiche socio-economiche della nostra ... Innovazione a colori

Vittorio Bertolini

Building a bridge between science and society

Looking for the foundations of the communication of science. (Bergamo, February 14-15 2008) by Roberta Gabbatore (See the images) On Thursday 14th February 2008 in the splendid setting of the ex monastery of Saint Augustine (now part of the University) in Bergamo’s upper town the conference “Building a bridge between science and society. Looking for ... Building a bridge between science and society

New Rites For Democracy?

On February 15th 2008, at the premises of the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, the sociologist of science Brian Wynne opened the seminar chaired by Piero Bassetti and Mariachiara Tallacchini about the report for the European Commission, Taking European Society Seriously (2007), now translated in Italian under the auspices of the Bassetti Foundation (Scienza e Governance. ... New Rites For Democracy?