Postdoc Position in sociology of science/STS at Bielefeld University
Opportunities – Bielefeld University have announced a job opening for a researcher at the Postdoc level in the context of the research project Repercussions of Open Access on Research Assessment (ROARA). They are seeking candidates with a background in sociology of science or Science and Technology Studies (STS). In the context of the collaborative project ... Postdoc Position in sociology of science/STS at Bielefeld University
PhD Candidate in STS at Maastricht University, researching diversity and bias in AI
This PhD position about bias in media recommender systems is part of the Trustworthy AI for Media Lab (TAIM), one of 17 labs connected to the Innovation Center for Artificial Intelligence (ICAI) within the Long Term Program (LTP) Trustworthy AI-based Systems for Sustainable Growth (ROBUST). The PhD project is funded by the Dutch Research Council ... PhD Candidate in STS at Maastricht University, researching diversity and bias in AI
René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’
On November 30th 2022, René von Schomberg delivered an open lecture as part of the Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University Cultures of Research series of the International Centre for Advanced Studies, Kaete Hamburger Kolleg, RWTH Aachen University. The focus was on Robert Merton’s ... René von Schomberg: Prospects of Institutionalizing the Research Values ‘openness’ and ‘Collaboration’
Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices
Earlier this summer (May of 2022) The committee on Responsible Computing Research of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA published a Consensus Study Report entitled Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices (following a request from the National Science Foundation). I attended its virtual launch and duly downloaded the prepublication ... Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices
Working Towards Sustainable Science Practices: The Second Sustainable Research Symposium
The Sustainable Research Symposium 2022 will be held on May 19th between 9am – 3pm CET at the Princess Maxima Center, Utrecht Science Park in the Netherlands and broadcast online. The symposium is a unique free event about sustainable research which can be followed in person (places are limited however) or online. It was organized ... Working Towards Sustainable Science Practices: The Second Sustainable Research Symposium
Book Review: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Organisational and National Conditions.
Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation Organisational and National Conditions is a Springer Brief in Ethics written by Christian Wittrock, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Auke Pols, Philip Macnaghten and David Ludwig, several of whom will be familiar names to Bassetti Foundation followers. The book is an analysis of data collected in the EU Horizon 2020 RRI-Practice study and ... Book Review: Implementing Responsible Research and Innovation. Organisational and National Conditions.
PhD or Postdoc at Karlsruher Institute for Technology
Karlsruher Institute for Technology have advertised for a team member to supports their research and teaching investigating the dynamics of public controversies over science, technology, and the environment. Among others, this includes the following: science of science communication, media effects research, media usage, diffusion of information, e.g., in debates over meat consumption, climate change, gene ... PhD or Postdoc at Karlsruher Institute for Technology
Purdue University: Assistant Professor of Sociology with a Specialization in Sociology of Science/Technology
The Department of Sociology at Purdue University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of Sociology of Science/Technology. Specific research interests are open, including the implications of science and technology regarding one or more of the following: public policy; human and civil rights; privacy and security; surveillance; regulation of scientific/technological products ... Purdue University: Assistant Professor of Sociology with a Specialization in Sociology of Science/Technology
Temporary Research Fellowship at Politecnico di Milano
The Milan Polytechnic is advertising a 12-month research contract in their Modeling ecological and environmental systems research program: The role of human behavior in shaping paths of sustainable development. The research will be conducted within the Planning and Management of Environmental Systems research group at the Department of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering in collaboration with ... Temporary Research Fellowship at Politecnico di Milano
Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.
The professorship of Innovation, Society & Public Policy (Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer), based at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), Technical University of Munich, announces a new research group that will investigate future mobility at the intersection of societal needs, urban technopolitics, and spatial (re)configurations. The group will consist of up to three postdocs ... Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.
Leiden University: PhD candidate in Social Studies of Science with a focus on research evaluation
Over the past decade, debate has intensified on how research is being funded, practiced, and evaluated. Some of the most visible initiatives include the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics and The Metric Tide, which have all critically reflected on the role of metrics in evaluation frameworks. As ... Leiden University: PhD candidate in Social Studies of Science with a focus on research evaluation
Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation
Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation (Organized by the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab) Event Date: Wednesday February 3rd, 16.00 – 17.30 (online). Event Description: The organizers of the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab cordially invite you to the IdeaLab’s opening lecture on Responsible Research and Innovation held by Dr. Dr. ... Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation