Looking Back on 2024

IN MEMORY OF ANDREINA BASSETTI Through her profound civic spirit, Andreina Rocca Bassetti gained esteem and affection from all of those who had the pleasure to meet her. The work of the Bassetti Foundation (which she co-founded with her brother Piero Bassetti) is both a reflection and result of her dedication, and we endeavor to ... Looking Back on 2024

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Arte e creatività alla prova delle intelligenze artificiali

Report del Workshop “Intelligenza Artificiale, Beni Culturali e Arte. Tra ricerca e creatività” (CINECA, Bologna, 9-10 febbraio 2024). Come si ridefiniscono i confini della creatività umana ai tempi delle IA generative? Come possono le tecnologie di deep learning coadiuvare la ricerca e la produzione artistica? In che modi è possibile sfruttarle per valorizzare il patrimonio ... Arte e creatività alla prova delle intelligenze artificiali

Margherita Mattioni

Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design

Between 11 – 12 January I attended the Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design Conference held in Utrecht, Netherlands. The conference was hosted by the Chain Project, a Dutch Research Council (NWO) funded initiative that focuses on blockchain in the network society. From the project website: Governments are developing blockchain ... Public Governance and Emerging Technologies: Values, Trust, and Compliance by Design

Jonathan Hankins

Looking back on 2023

2023 was our busiest and most exciting year to date. It saw the launch of the new Fondazione Bassetti website, the development of a host of new and long-established collaborations, the culmination of our participation in one major EU funded project and the start of a new and exciting research and innovation support project, and ... Looking back on 2023

Redazione FGB

Report from the Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network

On 28th and 29th of September I attended the 2023 Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network in Utrecht, Netherlands. This network brings together scholars from across social science, humanities and design disciplines who are interested in critical studies of ageing and technology, creating a new academic field that we might describe as a meeting point ... Report from the Annual Meeting of the Socio-gerontechnology Network

Jonathan Hankins

Uno studio sulle nuove sfide dei senior

Uno studio indaga sulla consapevolezza dei senior del proprio ruolo nella transizione demografica, tra silver ecology e valorizzazione del rapporto tra generazioni. Secondo l’ultima rivelazione Istat, al 1° gennaio 2023, la popolazione ultrasessantacinquenne in Italia era di 14 milioni 177mila individui, ovvero il 24,1 per cento della popolazione totale, il 7,7 sono ultraottantenni, mentre il ... Uno studio sulle nuove sfide dei senior

Redazione FGB

Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab

What is the Critical Infrastructures Lab? The Critical Infrastructures lab is hosted by the University of Amsterdam. From the website we learn that the lab aims to create space to co-develop alternative infrastructural futures that center people and planet over profit and capital by establishing a community around three infrastructural subtopics (geopolitics, standards, environment), producing ... Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab

Jonathan Hankins

Looking back to our 2022

2022 was one of our busiest and most productive years to date, and one in which we celebrated the successful completion of two large projects. This post offers just a snapshot of events and themes that we carry forward into 2023. Projects2022 saw the final conferences and publication of all findings and deliverables of both ... Looking back to our 2022

Redazione FGB

Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices

Earlier this summer (May of 2022) The committee on Responsible Computing Research of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine in the USA published a Consensus Study Report entitled Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices (following a request from the National Science Foundation). I attended its virtual launch and duly downloaded the prepublication ... Fostering Responsible Computing Research, Foundations and Practices

Jonathan Hankins

Looking Back on 2021

As another eventful year closes behind us, the Bassetti Foundation sends New Year greetings to all our readers with a look back on events over the last twelve months. INDEX of this page PRESENTATIONS AT CONFERENCES AND EVENTS In English In Italian PARTICIPATION AND REVIEWS OF CONFERENCES AND EVENTS EVENTS HOSTED Book presentations Dialogues INTERVIEWS ... Looking Back on 2021

Looking Back on 2020

2020 was a busy and exciting year for the Bassetti Foundation. In this post we look back at what can only be described as an eventful 12 months, not only here in Milan but across the globe. COVID 19 2020 will long be remembered for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, a topic that was addressed from ... Looking Back on 2020

Redazione FGB

Fondazione Bassetti al National Geographic Festival delle Scienze di Roma

È in corso OTTIMISMO E SCIENZA, il Festival delle Scienze di Roma del National Geographic. Quest’anno parteciperà anche Fondazione Giannino Bassetti che è stata coinvolta per un sessione di studio dal titolo “Scienza e Decisione Pubblica”. (update)QUI il registrato della DIRETTA con la presentazione del progetto. L’evento, che si svolgerà online domenica 29 novembre 2020, ... Fondazione Bassetti al National Geographic Festival delle Scienze di Roma

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