Sustainability, Special Issue on RRI in Industry.

The journal Sustainability has recently published a special issue on RRI in industry. Many of our readers will be familiar with the work of many of the Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem, Prof. Dr. Bernd Stahl, Prof. Dr. Doris Schroeder, Prof. Dr. Andre Martinuzzi and Dr. Vincent Blok. The articles offer a wide discussion ... Sustainability, Special Issue on RRI in Industry.

Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

The latest edition of the journal Glocalism has just been released, the Bassetti Foundation having participated in the production through its involvement in the editorial process. The issue is titled Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, an argument that as readers will know very much reflects the Foundation’s standpoint. As the editorial points out, at the ... Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

Jonathan Hankins

Assistant professor positions at the Aarhus University.

The Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy (CFA) at the Department of Political Science at Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University, invites applications for two or more postdoc / assistant professor positions. The postdoc positions are fixed-term three-year positions. The assistant professor positions can be either fixed-term three-year positions or open-ended tenure-track positions with ... Assistant professor positions at the Aarhus University.

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

On December 14th 2017 René von Schomberg visited the Foundation for a dialogue entitled Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation. —————————- PODCAST Also in the apps:                ————————————————— Von Schomberg opened the dialogue by asking the question of which were the right impacts that innovation should work towards and how could we agree on this. In ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

Redazione FGB

The Regional Forum for Research and Innovation

In their sitting of 28 December, the Lombard Regional Government nominated ten international experts in the relationship between technoscience and society. The experts will make up the Regional Forum for Research and Innovation, recently created under the 29/2016 law following a call that received 150 candidates from across the globe and closed in September. The ... The Regional Forum for Research and Innovation

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg – 3/3

Event: Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a dialogue with René von Schomberg. Title: Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a research and innovation agenda for transformational change. Date: 2017 12 14 Time: 30 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: English. Part: 3/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: Anchor FM and playlist on ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg – 3/3

René von Schomberg

Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg – 2/3

Event: Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a dialogue with René von Schomberg. Title: Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a research and innovation agenda for transformational change. Date: 2017 12 14 Time: 37 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: English. Part: 2/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: Anchor FM and playlist on ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg – 2/3

René von Schomberg

Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg – 1/3

Event: Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a dialogue with René von Schomberg. Title: Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a research and innovation agenda for transformational change. Date: 2017 12 14 Time: 30 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: English. Part: 1/3 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: Anchor FM and playlist on ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg – 1/3

René von Schomberg

Call for Papers. Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics

“Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation” is published by “Globus et Locus”. It is a peer-reviewed, open access and cross-disciplinary journal that aims at stimulating increasing awareness and knowledge around the new dynamics that characterise the glocal reality. As “Glocalism” is a four-monthly journal, three issues will be published annually: at end-February, end-June, end-October. ... Call for Papers. Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics

Redazione FGB

Globalizzazione: tra storia e teoria politica. Incontro conclusivo con Piero Bassetti

Giovedì 15 giugno 2017 il Presidente di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Piero Bassetti, interverrà all’appuntamento conclusivo del ciclo di seminari “Globalizzazione: tra storia e teoria politica”, che in questi mesi ha visto sfilare speakers d’eccellenza: da Sabino Cassese a David Held, da Marco Caselli a Elia Zaru e Paolo Perulli, Giampietro Gobo, Roberta Sala; Patrizia Fazzi ... Globalizzazione: tra storia e teoria politica. Incontro conclusivo con Piero Bassetti

Redazione FGB

Elements of a theory of global governance. Incontro con David Held.

Lunedì 12 giugno presso la Sala Napoleonica dell’Università degli Studi di Milano – alle 10.30, in via Sant’Antonio 12 – David Held, Professore di Politica e Relazioni Internazionali presso l’Università di Durham, terrà la lezione “A Theory of Global Politics: From the Holocaust to the Present Day”. L’incontro si inserisce nella cornice del ciclo di ... Elements of a theory of global governance. Incontro con David Held.

Redazione FGB

La trasformazione dello spazio nell’era della globalizzazione: una doppia relativizzazione?

L’8 giugno 2017, nella sede della Fondazione Bassetti, si svolgerà l’incontro della serie di seminari “Globalizzazione: tra storia e teoria politica” (vedi l’intero programma), con Marco Caselli, Dottore di Ricerca in Sociologia e Metodologia della Ricerca Sociale e professore ordinario di Sociologia Generale presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche e Sociali dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro ... La trasformazione dello spazio nell’era della globalizzazione: una doppia relativizzazione?

Redazione FGB