Postdoc Position in sociology of science/STS at Bielefeld University
Opportunities – Bielefeld University have announced a job opening for a researcher at the Postdoc level in the context of the research project Repercussions of Open Access on Research Assessment (ROARA). They are seeking candidates with a background in sociology of science or Science and Technology Studies (STS). In the context of the collaborative project ... Postdoc Position in sociology of science/STS at Bielefeld University
Glocalism. Ten Years of Culture, Politics and Innovation
To celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation, Piero Bassetti (President of the Bassetti Foundation and Globus and Locus) and Davide Cadeddu (Editor in Chief of Glocalism) have edited an open access collection of articles for publication through Milan University Press. In the editorial that precedes this collection, Bassetti, Cadeddu ... Glocalism. Ten Years of Culture, Politics and Innovation
Rijnvliet, the Edible Neighborhood
On 17 June 2022 I visited the Utrecht suburb (in construction) of Rijnvliet for a guided tour offered as part of the City of Utrecht Architecture Day. This development won the 2021 Innovation in Politics Award and reached the final of the A+Architizer Award 2023 in the Sustainable Landscape / Project Planning category for its ... Rijnvliet, the Edible Neighborhood
Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab
What is the Critical Infrastructures Lab? The Critical Infrastructures lab is hosted by the University of Amsterdam. From the website we learn that the lab aims to create space to co-develop alternative infrastructural futures that center people and planet over profit and capital by establishing a community around three infrastructural subtopics (geopolitics, standards, environment), producing ... Launch of the Critical Infrastructures Lab
Call For Papers, Glocalism: Longevity and Globalisation
Glocalism, journal of Culture, politics and innovation has published a call for papers that address the issue of longevity and globalization. This fully open-access journal as well as arguments around longevity may be familiar to regular readers as they both have close ties to the Bassetti Foundation. Call For Papers, Glocalism 2023, Issue 2: Longevity ... Call For Papers, Glocalism: Longevity and Globalisation
Liberal Innovation In ICT
On Thursday 2 March, the Bassetti Foundation will host an online seminar and book launch (in Italian) with Gabriele Giacomini, author of The Arduous Road to Revolution, Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in the Digital Communication Age (Mimesis International, 2022). In his publication, Giacomini proposes the need for a form of Liberal Innovation within ICT, offering ideas ... Liberal Innovation In ICT
The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.
The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age is the latest book from Gabriele Giacomini (Mimesis International, 2022). As the title suggests, Giacomini not only offers an analysis of historical events (predominantly based on revolutions against regimes in Myanmar, Ukraine, Iran, Egypt, Hong Kong and Belarus), but goes on to ... The Arduous Road to Revolution. Resisting Authoritarian Regimes in The Digital Communication Age.
Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions
On March 1st, 2022, at the Milan seat of Confcooperative Lombardia, in the framework of POLITIKÉ, ‘the political school’ offered in collaboration with the Bassetti Foundation for Responsible Innovation, industrial biotechnologist Maurizio Bettiga and cultural anthropologist Cristina Grasseni jointly led a workshopping session involving 25 leading operators from the cooperative world (presidents, heads of service ... Making Networks Happen: Cooperation for Sustainability Transitions
Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.
The professorship of Innovation, Society & Public Policy (Prof. Sebastian Pfotenhauer), based at the Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS), Technical University of Munich, announces a new research group that will investigate future mobility at the intersection of societal needs, urban technopolitics, and spatial (re)configurations. The group will consist of up to three postdocs ... Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) announces several positions.
Leiden University: PhD candidate in Social Studies of Science with a focus on research evaluation
Over the past decade, debate has intensified on how research is being funded, practiced, and evaluated. Some of the most visible initiatives include the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), The Leiden Manifesto for research metrics and The Metric Tide, which have all critically reflected on the role of metrics in evaluation frameworks. As ... Leiden University: PhD candidate in Social Studies of Science with a focus on research evaluation
Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation
Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation (Organized by the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab) Event Date: Wednesday February 3rd, 16.00 – 17.30 (online). Event Description: The organizers of the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab cordially invite you to the IdeaLab’s opening lecture on Responsible Research and Innovation held by Dr. Dr. ... Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation
Through Alice’s Looking Glass by Piero Bassetti
19 November 2020 sees the release of “Oltre lo specchio di Alice. Governare l’innovazione nel cambiamento d’epoca” (Through Alice’s Looking Glass. Governing innovation through epochal change) by Piero Bassetti for Guerini Editore. Innovation is politics, as a force it drives our destinies. But even after the triumph of the algorithm, the power of social media, ... Through Alice’s Looking Glass by Piero Bassetti