City + Design In Transition. – 4/7

Event: City + Design In Transition. Title: La manifattura torna in città. Date: 2016 09 08 Time: 42 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 4/7 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: City+Design in Transition. I video. Part: 4/7 Contents: Stefano Micelli (Curatore di New Craft) Francesco Samorè (Fondazione Giannino Bassetti) ... City + Design In Transition. – 4/7

Cristina Tajani
Francesco Samorè
Stefano Maffei
Stefano Micelli

City + Design In Transition. – 3/7

Event: City + Design In Transition. Title: Design is the new craft. Date: 2016 09 08 Time: 31 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/7 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: City+Design in Transition. I video. Part: 3/7 Contents: Stefano Maffei (Polifactory) Stefano Micelli (Curatore di New Craft) Alberto Cavalli ... City + Design In Transition. – 3/7

Alberto Cavalli
Stefano Maffei
Stefano Micelli

City + Design In Transition. – 2/7

Event: City + Design In Transition. Title: Design is the new craft. Date: 2016 09 08 Time: 21 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: English. Part: 2/7 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: City+Design in Transition. I video. Part: 2/7 Contents: Anne Warburton (Craft Council, London) XX1 TRIENNALE DI MILANO padiglione NEW ... City + Design In Transition. – 2/7

Anne Warburton

City + Design In Transition – 1/7

Event: City + Design In Transition. Title: Design is the new craft. Date: 2016 09 08 Time: 16 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano and English. Part: 1/7 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: City+Design in Transition. I video. Part: 1/7 Contents: Stefano Micelli (Curatore di New Craft) Anne Warburton (Craft ... City + Design In Transition – 1/7

Anne Warburton
Stefano Micelli

Labour versus labour: the future of work.

Parte IV di IV Nell’attesa di incontrarci l’8 settembre a City + Design In Transition, appuntamento che anticiperà di pochi giorni la chiusura dell’esposizione New Craft, proponiamo il report, i video e le fotografie di Labour versus Labour, rethinking work in a digital society che lo scorso aprile 2016 ha portato un prestigioso gruppo di ... Labour versus labour: the future of work.

Niccolò Natali
Redazione FGB

Labour versus labour: design for the cure.

Parte III di IV Nell’attesa di incontrarci l’8 settembre a City + Design In Transition, appuntamento che anticiperà di pochi giorni la chiusura dell’esposizione New Craft, proponiamo il report, i video e le fotografie di Labour versus Labour, rethinking work in a digital society che lo scorso aprile 2016 ha portato un prestigioso gruppo di ... Labour versus labour: design for the cure.

Niccolò Natali
Redazione FGB

Fablab come modello strategico

Open Innovation Economy – Fablab come modello strategico per le nuove filiere Maker, fablab nazionali e internazionali si ritrovano giovedì 9 e venerdì 10 giugno a R2B – Research to Business 2016 (SMAU, Bologna). L’undicesima edizione del salone internazionale della ricerca industriale e dell’innovazione, promosso dalla Regione Emilia-Romagna, Aster, Smau e BolognaFiere, ospita una conferenza ... Fablab come modello strategico

Redazione FGB

Labour versus labour | New Craft – 14/14

Event: Labour versus labour. New Craft. Title: Cities and craft: the future of work. Date: 2016 04 28 Time: 25 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 14/14 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Labour versus labour: the future of work. Contents: XX1 TRIENNALE DI MILANO padiglione NEW CRAFT 28 aprile ... Labour versus labour | New Craft – 14/14

Emanuele Tessarolo
Francesco Samorè
Giovanni Lanzone
Paolo Manfredi
Stefano Maffei

Labour versus labour | New Craft – 13/14

Event: Labour versus labour. New Craft. Title: Cities and craft: the future of work. Date: 2016 04 28 Time: 22 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 13/14 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Labour versus labour: the future of work. Contents: XX1 TRIENNALE DI MILANO padiglione NEW CRAFT 28 aprile ... Labour versus labour | New Craft – 13/14

Laura Querci
Letizia Chiappini
Monica De Bernardi

Labour versus labour | New Craft – 12/14

Event: Labour versus labour. New Craft. Title: Cities and craft: the future of work. Date: 2016 04 28 Time: 35 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 12/14 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Labour versus labour: the future of work. Contents: XX1 TRIENNALE DI MILANO padiglione NEW CRAFT 28 aprile ... Labour versus labour | New Craft – 12/14

Francesco Samorè
Stefano Maffei

Labour versus labour | New Craft – 11/14

Event: Labour versus labour. New Craft. Title: ADDITTIVE ManifaCURing. DESIGN FOR THE CURE. Date: 2016 04 28 Time: 20 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 11/14 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Labour versus labour: design for the cure. Contents: XX1 TRIENNALE DI MILANO padiglione NEW CRAFT 28 aprile 2016 ... Labour versus labour | New Craft – 11/14

Francesco Monico

Labour versus labour | New Craft – 10/14

Event: Labour versus labour. New Craft. Title: ADDITTIVE ManifaCURing. DESIGN FOR THE CURE. Date: 2016 04 28 Time: 16 min. Place: Fabbrica del Vapore, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 10/14 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Report: Labour versus labour: design for the cure. Contents: XX1 TRIENNALE DI MILANO padiglione NEW CRAFT 28 aprile 2016 ... Labour versus labour | New Craft – 10/14

Costantino Bongiorno