ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer Course

The ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer is an online course which enables its participants to deliver Open Science training in a variety of contexts. Through online seminars, meet-ups, videos, group work and more, the participants acquire skills in the theory and methods of Open Science training. The online course runs from October 19th – November 4th ... ORION Open Science Train-the-Trainer Course

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Collaboration during COVID-19 | Bottom-up and open source initiatives: report them here!

( Update: April 9, 2020. We therefore await your reports to: anticovid19@fondazionebassetti.org ) Finding concrete answers to the needs emerging from the pandemic. From the 3D printing of respirator valves to systems for tracing contagion in real time, from the production of protective clothing that help prevent the contagion of medical workers to protein folding ... Collaboration during COVID-19 | Bottom-up and open source initiatives: report them here!

Anna Pellizzone

Collaborare ai tempi del COVID-19 | Iniziative bottom-up e open source: mandaci le tue segnalazioni!

( Aggiornato il: 20 aprile 2020. Per le segnalazioni scrivere a: anticovid19@fondazionebassetti.org ) Dare risposte concrete ai bisogni emersi con la pandemia. Dalla stampa 3D di valvole per i respiratori, a sistemi per tracciare in tempo reale i contagi, dalla produzione di protezioni per prevenire il contagio, alla simulazione del ripiegamento proteico per sviluppare nuove ... Collaborare ai tempi del COVID-19 | Iniziative bottom-up e open source: mandaci le tue segnalazioni!

Anna Pellizzone

RRI Special Feature in the Project Repository Journal

The Project Repository Journal (PRj) is the European Dissemination Media Agency (EDMA)’s flagship open access publication, dedicated to showcasing funded science and research throughout Europe. Projects that are funded either by the European Commission, through one of their current schemes such as with an ERC grant or via Horizon 2020, or which have received a ... RRI Special Feature in the Project Repository Journal

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Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

TRANSFORM stands for Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies, through new Forms of Open and Responsible Decision-Making and is our second Horizon 2020 project. This time will commit us to leading a consortium of thirteen partners: TRANSFORM will engage us for 36 months, together with the institutions of Lombardy, Catalunya and ... Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

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New philantropy: crowdfunding societal challenges

Un incontro a cura di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti e Università di Pavia giovedì 15 novembre 2018 alle ore 18:00 presso Fondazione Giannino Bassetti in via Barozzi 4, Milano. Dall’esperienza dell’Università di Pavia, una tra le prime al mondo ad adottare il crowdfunding con una propria piattaforma istituzionale per sostenere una ricerca di frontiera, al Crowdfunding ... New philantropy: crowdfunding societal challenges

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Universitiamo, il crowdfunding dell’Università di Pavia

Event: Incontro con Arianna Arisi Rota e Ilaria Cabrini Title: Universitiamo, il crowdfunding dell’Università di Pavia. Date: 2018 07 25 Time: 7:41 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/293584335 Photos: 5 fotografie. Post: Universitiamo, la piattaforma di crowdfunding dell’Università di Pavia.. Contents: Abbiamo incontrato Arianna Arisi Rota, Delegato del Rettore dell’Università ... Universitiamo, il crowdfunding dell’Università di Pavia

Arianna Arisi Rota
Ilaria Cabrini

Universitiamo, la piattaforma di crowdfunding dell’Università di Pavia

Abbiamo incontrato Arianna Arisi Rota, Delegato del Rettore dell’Università di Pavia per il Fundraising istituzionale, e Ilaria Cabrini, Responsabile Fundraising Unit Staff Rettorato e Direzione Generale Università degli Studi di Pavia per farci raccontare qualcosa sulla piattaforma di crowdfunding UNIVERSITIAMO. Universitiamo® by UNIPV è la piattaforma di crowdfunding dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia che è ... Universitiamo, la piattaforma di crowdfunding dell’Università di Pavia

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OpenMined: an example of ‘decentralized AI’

The era of the algorithm and the frontiers of digital “trusting” The full implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means the end of the transitory period before the sanction regime is applied. It has brought both small and large transformations that practically effect the behaviour of all of the keepers of information, and ... OpenMined: an example of ‘decentralized AI’

Alessandro Scoscia

OpenMined: un esempio di ‘decentralized Artificial Intelligence’.

L’era dell’Algoritmo e le frontiere del “trusting” digitale L’entrata in vigore del Regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati (GDPR) e, soprattutto, la fine del suo periodo transitorio prima dell’applicabilità del regime sanzionatorio, hanno introdotto piccole e grandi trasformazioni che incidono praticamente su tutta una serie di comportamenti dei gestori di informazioni e, di conseguenza, su ... OpenMined: un esempio di ‘decentralized Artificial Intelligence’.

Alessandro Scoscia

International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Responsible Innovation in the Agri-food Sector.

Wageningen Academic Publishers have just released the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Responsible Innovation in the Agri-food Sector (on open access). The editorial team includes Vincent Blok and Thomas B. Long, names that regular readers will be familiar with from other posts on this website and articles in the Journal of Responsible ... International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Special Issue: Responsible Innovation in the Agri-food Sector.

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Sustainability, Special Issue on RRI in Industry.

The journal Sustainability has recently published a special issue on RRI in industry. Many of our readers will be familiar with the work of many of the Guest Editors: Prof. Dr. Alexander Brem, Prof. Dr. Bernd Stahl, Prof. Dr. Doris Schroeder, Prof. Dr. Andre Martinuzzi and Dr. Vincent Blok. The articles offer a wide discussion ... Sustainability, Special Issue on RRI in Industry.