Rethinking Responsibility at the Brookings Institute

Last week on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation I attended the Brookings Institution in Washington DC for their public forum to discuss the role of social responsibility in each stage of the innovation process. The event was well attended, with several of Washington’s leading thinkers on the issue in attendance. After a brief introduction, moderator ... Rethinking Responsibility at the Brookings Institute

Jonathan Hankins

A Conversation with Hilary Sutcliffe of Matter

Hilary Sutcliffe is the Director of Matter, described on the homepage as ” a new ‘action tank’ whose aim is “Bringing Responsible Innovation to life”. As a follow up to his review of their “Report On Responsible Research and Innovation” Jonathan Hankins posed a series of questions regarding the future of Responsible Innovation to the ... A Conversation with Hilary Sutcliffe of Matter

Jonathan Hankins

Nanotechnology at the World Social Forum

Between the 26th and 30th of March the World Social Forum takes place in Tunis. Two workshops will address problems related to nanotechnology. The Observatory of Nanotechnology in Americas organises Nanosummit for Nanoactivists I & II, and the Brazilian network on nanotechnology, society & environment RENANOSOMA organises workshops on Nanotechnology and Public Engagement I & ... Nanotechnology at the World Social Forum

Redazione FGB

Late Lessons from Early Warnings

Last month the European Union published its long awaited report “Late Lessons from Early Warnings 2. Science, precaution, innovation“, a follow on after more than a decade from the first report of the same name. This is an enormous document of moire than 650 pages, extremely detailed and interesting, but a little difficult to navigate ... Late Lessons from Early Warnings

Jonathan Hankins

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Videos.

On November 27, 2012 at Università Bocconi, Michael Bruch held a lecture on the role insurers can play in the development of innovative technologies such as nanotechnologies. Here the videos and other materials. Innovation driven by technoscience has overturned the concept of risk. Today, those dealing with it are forced into thinking about consequences: from ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Videos.

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Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch.

Lecture by Michael Bruch at the Bocconi University. (Here the videos and other materials) Nanotechnology is an applied science developing rapidly and having an enormous potential for the creation of industrial and consumer items which are really innovative. A significant growth is forecasted for all industry segments adopting these technologies, on the other hand already ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch.

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A Handbook for Responsible Innovation

‘A Handbook for Responsible Innovation’ is a collection of articles written by Jonathan Hankins over the last 2 years. Many of the articles have already appeared on the Bassetti Foundation site and beyond, with the author’s aim to present an overview of how different arguments have been treated by the Foundation over this period of ... A Handbook for Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins
Redazione FGB

A Handbook for Responsible Innovation

Last week saw the latest in the Bassetti Foundation Lecture series at the Bocconi University in Milan. Michael Bruch spoke about the role of insurance companies within innovative technologies with particular focus on nanotechnology, and to mark the event the Foundation released the latest in its book series. The release also marked a move for ... A Handbook for Responsible Innovation

Redazione FGB

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 6/6

Event: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Date: 2012 11 27 Time: 20 min. Place: Università Bocconi, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Slides: in Slideshare. Milan, November 27, 2012 Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch with: Michael Bruch, Allianz SpA Piero Bassetti, ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 6/6

Fabian Muniesa

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 5/6

Event: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Date: 2012 11 27 Time: 18 min. Place: Università Bocconi, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Slides: in Slideshare. Milan, November 27, 2012 Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch with: Michael Bruch, Allianz SpA Piero Bassetti, ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 5/6

Jonathan Hankins

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 4/6

Event: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Date: 2012 11 27 Time: 24 min. Place: Università Bocconi, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Slides: in Slideshare. Milan, November 27, 2012 Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch with: Michael Bruch, Allianz SpA Piero Bassetti, ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 4/6

Alfonso Gambardella

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 3/6

Event: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Date: 2012 11 27 Time: 30 min. Place: Università Bocconi, Milano. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Slides: in Slideshare. Milan, November 27, 2012 Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch with: Michael Bruch, Allianz SpA Piero Bassetti, ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch – 3/6

Michael Bruch