Volume 2, Journal of Responsible Innovation, a review

The close of the year saw the publication of the third and final issue of Volume 2 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this article we review the volume. Early in 2015, Volume 2 opened with the publication of issue 1. Articles included 4 research articles and a special perspectives section: responsible research and ... Volume 2, Journal of Responsible Innovation, a review

Jonathan Hankins

VIRI, First Annual Meeting

July of this year saw the first annual meeting of the Virtual Institute for responsible Innovation (VIRI). To readers who might not know the institute – VIRI was created to accelerate the formation of a community of scholars and practitioners who, despite divides in geography and political culture, will create a common concept of responsible ... VIRI, First Annual Meeting

Redazione FGB

Fourth NWO Responsible Innovation Conference

On 24 – 25 August 2015 the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) hosted the Fourth International Conference on Responsible Innovation in The Hague, the Netherlands. Readers may recall the conference from last year, when Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins presented during the poster session. This year’s conference aimed to discuss the merits, practices and necessity ... Fourth NWO Responsible Innovation Conference

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Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 2, Issue 1 Reviewed

The current and first issue of the second volume of the Journal of Responsible Innovation opens with an editorial by Editor in Chief David Guston. Responsible innovation: who could be against that? opens with an interesting issue, with Guston arguing that although the goals of RI are easy to understand and accept, some members of ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 2, Issue 1 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Sharing Health

WAVE. Come l’ingegnosità collettiva sta cambiando il mondo 8 June 2015 h.17.30 Condividere la salute Palazzo BNP Paribas, Piazza San Fedele 3, Milano The sharing of data and knowledge is by no means a new phenomena for biomedicine. For more than 20 years the most important research projects have been carried out by large groups ... Sharing Health

Margherita Fronte

Wave – How collective ingenuity is changing the world.

After Paris, Marseille and Lille, Wave – How collective ingenuity is changing the world, a project of the BNP Paribas group, comes to Milan. The Italian event is directed by Trivioquadrivio with the collaboration of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation. The protagonists of innovation, selected from within five “currents” – co-creation, sharing, inclusion, circularity and the ... Wave – How collective ingenuity is changing the world.

Piero Bassetti

INSS Annual Conference Report

The INSS Third Annual Conference took place this year between April 9th and 10th, with Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attending the London site. This year’s conference was held over 5 sites, in an attempt to make the event as sustainable as possible by cutting down on travel for the participants. Several seminars and ... INSS Annual Conference Report

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The Self At Your Wrist – 3/3

(…continues from the previous entry) THE ROLE OF DESIGN IN A PERIOD OF IDENTITY CRISIS. “Who is responsible? Here we have many examples of brilliant innovations, but the issue of responsibility is key and must be addressed. Who is going to be responsible for the future?” – asked Piero Bassetti at the closing of Design ... The Self At Your Wrist – 3/3

Fabio Besti

The Self At Your Wrist – 2/3

(…continues from the previous entry). TECHNOLOGY VS HUMANS: SELF-IDENTITY AND SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS IN A ‘QUANTIFIED’ FUTURE. Certainly, technology should aim at increasing human abilities. Same as the first tools in the prehistory helped man physical capacity, the new technologies of today offer the opportunity of increasing our physical and mental capabilities. All of this seems obvious ... The Self At Your Wrist – 2/3

Fabio Besti

The Self At Your Wrist – 1/3

WEARABLE TECHNOLOGIES, SELF-PERCEPTION AND IDENTITY AT THE THRESHOLD OF A NEW QUANTIFIED EXISTENCE. Here the work on the illustration. “We have one more thing to cover…” Screaming voices and enthusiast applauses are filling Flint Center for the Performing Arts auditorium in Cupertino, California. “I’m so excited and so proud to share with you this morning ... The Self At Your Wrist – 1/3

Fabio Besti

The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting

The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting brings to Lisbon around 60 researchers, science communicators, educators and policy makers, from 30 countries, to debate and present concrete examples of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in action. The event is organized by the RRI Tools project, a consortium of 26 institutions that brings together considerable experience in the ... The RRI Tools Hubs Meeting

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Community of Practice 4th Plenary Meeting

Within the Digital Agenda for Europe Project the the Community of Practice 4th plenary meeting will take place in Brussels on March 13th. A multifaceted programme has been drawn up for the upcoming meeting. It will first feature presentations and discussions on SR/CR in the new political landscape. Opening speakers include Marianne Klingbeil, Deputy Secretary-General ... Community of Practice 4th Plenary Meeting

Jonathan Hankins
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