Between health and well-being, hybrid technology and governance problems: the ‘health app’. A meeting with Federica Lucivero.

Last September the Bassetti foundation had the pleasure of hosting Federica Lucivero, Senior Researcher at the Ethox Centre of the Big Data Institute of the University of Oxford and coordinator of the Digital Health Network at King’s College London. Her lecture was titled “Health apps between medicine and lifestyle”. Federica Lucivero’s work incorporates ethics, social ... Between health and well-being, hybrid technology and governance problems: the ‘health app’. A meeting with Federica Lucivero.

Anna Pellizzone
Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4 Issue 3

Late 2017 saw the publication of the latest issue of the Journal of responsible Innovation. In this post we review the collection of articles. In his editorial Politics of Scientific Reflection, Editor in Chief Erik Fisher addresses the problem of asking scientists to reflect upon a host of normative questions such as the social use ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4 Issue 3

Jonathan Hankins

A Look Back on 2017

2017 was our busiest year yet at the Bassetti Foundation. This review offers an overview of the year’s work on both the Italian National and broader European and international stage. THROUGHOUT THE YEAR – The SMART-Map Project SMART-map (RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies) is a coordination and support action ... A Look Back on 2017

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

On December 14th 2017 René von Schomberg visited the Foundation for a dialogue entitled Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation. —————————- PODCAST Also in the apps:                ————————————————— Von Schomberg opened the dialogue by asking the question of which were the right impacts that innovation should work towards and how could we agree on this. In ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

Redazione FGB

The Regional Forum for Research and Innovation

In their sitting of 28 December, the Lombard Regional Government nominated ten international experts in the relationship between technoscience and society. The experts will make up the Regional Forum for Research and Innovation, recently created under the 29/2016 law following a call that received 150 candidates from across the globe and closed in September. The ... The Regional Forum for Research and Innovation

Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4, Issue 2

In this the second of two posts we review the second issue of Volume 4 of the JRI. This Special Issue on the relationship between Technology Assessment (TA) and Responsible Innovation (RI) is by far the largest published to date, reflecting the journal’s success in the field and the ever growing influence of the concept ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4, Issue 2

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Review of Volume 4, part 1

The autumn means the release of issue 2 of Volume 4 of the Taylor and Francis published Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this the first of two posts covering this volume’s publications, we review the articles from issue 1. The journal opens with an editorial by journal Editor in Chief Erik Fisher entitled Responsible innovation ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Review of Volume 4, part 1

Jonathan Hankins

3D Printing, an overview. A dialogue with Jos Malda.

The Bassetti Foundation is pleased to publish video of the lecture held by Professor Jos Malda at the Bassetti Foundation in May 2017. Malda presented his work at the University of Utrecht in biofabrication using 3D printing technology, addressing many issues surrounding biofabrication and design, describing the current situation in the field and the challenges ... 3D Printing, an overview. A dialogue with Jos Malda.

Redazione FGB

Three years of collaboration with the School of Design – Politecnico di Milano

This video summarizes in a minute and a half the 3 year long relationship between the Milan Polytechnic School of Design and the Bassetti Foundation. Each year’s involvement has been accompanied by a cycle of conferences that have been video recorded and are available through the website. Around twenty students have submitted projects through their ... Three years of collaboration with the School of Design – Politecnico di Milano

Redazione FGB
Tommaso Correale Santacroce

VIRI Annual Meeting and GET Conference, A Short Report

This year’s VIRI was held in Tempe Arizona between May 15 and 16 to coincide with the Governance of Emerging Technologies Conference the followed in Phoenix. The Foundation was represented by Board Member Ottavia Bassetti and Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins, who attended both events offering readers the following short first hand report on the proceedings ... VIRI Annual Meeting and GET Conference, A Short Report

Jonathan Hankins
Sally Randles

Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

On 9th May at the Bassetti Foundation in Milan, Universiteit Utrecht Professor Jos Malda will present his work and provide an overview of the state-of-the-art on 3D printing in the biomedical sector. Prof. Jos Malda heads a multidisciplinary research group that focuses on biofabrication and biomaterials design, in particular for the regeneration of (osteo) chondral ... Professor Jos Malda in Milan: ‘fascinated by the combination of technology and living things’

Redazione FGB

Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy and Ethics and Annual VIRI meeting

The Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies:Law, Policy and Ethics will be held at the new Beus Center for Law & Society in Phoenix, AZ between May 17-19, 2017, with Foundation Foreign Correspondent jonny Hankins in attendance to report on proceedings. The conference consists of both plenary and session presentations and discussions on ... Fifth Annual Conference on Governance of Emerging Technologies: Law, Policy and Ethics and Annual VIRI meeting

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