ROSIE: Innovation in Practice Event

The latest meeting of the ROSIE Interreg project was held on 3-4 April 2019, hosted at the Innovative Solutions and New Technologies conference in Lublin, Poland. I (Jonathan Hankins) attended on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation in his role as Responsible Innovation expert attached to the project. The following is a short report on proceedings ... ROSIE: Innovation in Practice Event

Jonathan Hankins

Introduction to Responsible Innovation by ROSIE

As regular readers will know, the Bassetti foundation and its collaborators take part in a broad array of external projects. One example is the ROSIE Project. ROSIE is an Interreg Central Europe EU funded project that aims to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors to promote Responsible Innovation in companies across the central Europe ... Introduction to Responsible Innovation by ROSIE

Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 5 Issue 3 Reviewed

The latest issue of the Journal of Responsible innovation opens with an editorial from Editor in Chief Erik Fisher. In Ends of Responsible Innovation, Fisher reflects upon talk about the end of RRI due to its possible withdrawing (in language terms at least) from the forthcoming EU Horizon Europe funding program. He argues however that ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 5 Issue 3 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

An overview of 2018

2018 was a busy and successful year for the Bassetti Foundation and its team of collaborators that saw a host of publications, participation within numerous conferences, collaborations across a wide range of fields and several events hosted in Milan. The following aims to offer an overview of a year’s work, is not exhaustive but offers ... An overview of 2018

Redazione FGB

New science and new politics

(Essay published in the 5th and last volume: “Scienza e tecnologia al di là dello specchio” of the series La Nuova Scienza, edited by Umberto Colombo and Giuseppe Lanzavecchia, Libri Scheiwiller, Milan 2004) Wonders abound in this world yet no wonder is greater than man. (Sophocles) In the last lines of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, ... New science and new politics

Piero Bassetti

Potere digitale. Come internet sta cambiando la sfera pubblica e la democrazia

Dal retro di copertina: “Come internet sta cambiando la sfera pubblica e la democrazia? Per rispondere abbiamo intervistato autorevoli esperti dalle cui parole emergono posizioni ricche e plurali. Attraverso un’analisi dei recenti cambiamenti sociali, questo volume intende affrontare problemi come la crisi dei partiti e dei media tradizionali, l’affacciarsi di nuovi intermediari (come le piattaforme ... Potere digitale. Come internet sta cambiando la sfera pubblica e la democrazia

VIRI 2018, a short report

As mentioned in a previous post, this year’s Annual Meeting of the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (VIRI) was held in Szeged in Hungary. The event was hosted by the First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association EMFIE and as a founding institutional affiliate member the Bassetti Foundation once again participated. Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins was present, ... VIRI 2018, a short report

Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 5, Issue 2

The summer brought the release of Issue 2 of Volume 5 of the Journal of responsible innovation. Once again the journal offers a diverse collection of articles and essays with several freely available for download. The journal opens with Second-generation biofuels: exploring imaginaries via deliberative workshops with farmers, by Christopher Groves, Meenakshisundaram Sankar and P. ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 5, Issue 2

Jonathan Hankins

OpenMined: an example of ‘decentralized AI’

The era of the algorithm and the frontiers of digital “trusting” The full implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) means the end of the transitory period before the sanction regime is applied. It has brought both small and large transformations that practically effect the behaviour of all of the keepers of information, and ... OpenMined: an example of ‘decentralized AI’

Alessandro Scoscia

Collaboration with International School Utrecht

During the month of June 2018, the Foundation collaborated with the International School Utrecht (Netherlands) on a series of interventions whose aims were to introduce issues surrounding RI to students of primary and secondary level. The interventions were all carried out by Bassetti Foundation foreign correspondent Jonathan Hankins. The interventions took place within the school ... Collaboration with International School Utrecht

Redazione FGB

Artificial intelligence and driverless mobility. How will the society of the future change?

The Bassetti Foundation presents a white paper on the development of driverless technology and its social impact. The presentation of this innovative new format took place at the Smart City: Materials, Technology & People exhibition, curated by Giulio Ceppi for Material ConneXion Italia and currently on display at Superstudio Più in via Tortona, Milano. “RESPONSIBILITY ... Artificial intelligence and driverless mobility. How will the society of the future change?

Redazione FGB

Algoritmi di libertà. La potenza del calcolo tra dominio e conflitto

“«Algoritmo» è diventato ormai sinonimo di controllo sociale. Anche chi non saprebbe meglio definirlo, sa che le sequenze di formule matematiche nascoste dietro questo nome servono a governare l’elaborazione della sterminata quantità di informazioni generate continuamente dalla rete. Con la loro potenza di calcolo, e la loro apparente neutralità, questi «numeri magici» si presentano al ... Algoritmi di libertà. La potenza del calcolo tra dominio e conflitto