Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 1

On the 17th of April I attended a lecture given by Anne Wojcicki, CEO of direct to consumer genetics company 23andMe. The event which was entitled “Deleterious Me: Whole Genome Sequencing, 23andMe, and the Crowd-Sourced Health Care Revolution” was part of the Science and Democracy lecture series, organized by Sheila Jasanoff at the John F ... Architectures for Life with 23andMe, a Report – part 1

Jonathan Hankins

A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnologies

Earlier this year the National Research Council of the National Academies published a document entitled ‘A Research Strategy for Environmental, Health and Safety Aspects of Engineered Nanotechnologies’. The document was prepared by the Committee to Develop a Research Strategy for Environmental, Health and Safety Aspects of Engineered Nano-Materials, within the National Research Council and a ... A Research Strategy for Engineered Nanotechnologies

Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major theme running through the discussion is responsibility in the patenting process. Many extremely interesting points came up, from how to lessen constraints on scientific research ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 3)

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 2)

Professor Biagioli was kind enough to dedicate some of his time to the Foundation in the form of a conversation with Jonathan Hankins. Topics covered were varied, but the major theme running through the discussion is responsibility in the patenting process. Many extremely interesting points came up, from how to lessen constraints on scientific research ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility (part 2)

Jonathan Hankins

Intellectual Property and Responsibility

Professor Mario Biagioli is a Distinguished Professor of Law and Science and Technology Studies (STS), and Director of the new Center for Innovation Studies at University of California, Davis. To quote the website the Innovation studies center’s research “engages the many dimensions of the process of technoscientific innovation, from those that make it possible to ... Intellectual Property and Responsibility

Jonathan Hankins

2011 and Beyond for the Bassetti Foundation

2011 was once more a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation, marking the beginnings of several projects that will run through 2012 and beyond. The following is a review of some of the major events that occurred throughout the year, things to look forward to in the new year now unfolding, a taster of the ... 2011 and Beyond for the Bassetti Foundation

Redazione FGB

Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States

On May 16th 2011 Margaret Curnutte gave her talk at the Foundation premises on “Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States” as part of her Harvard Bassetti scholarship. DIY genetic testing poses many questions that regard the governance of technologies but also how social and cultural norms co-evolve with the history of ... Consuming Genomes: Constructing the Genetic Consumer in the United States

Itinerary: Communicating Science

In light of the Bassetti Foundation’s announcement of their involvement in the 2012 Public Communication of Science and Technology Network conference and related call for abstracts for funding, Jonathan Hankins reviews some of the related materials available on the foundation website. ———————– The problem of the communication of science and innovation has been addressed many ... Itinerary: Communicating Science

Sustainable innovations: forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity

These are the abstracts of the papers presented in the panel “Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocity“. The panel was presented at the 2010 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Last week we published the paper by Jeff Ubois titled “Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation“. You can read also: – The Call for Papers ... Sustainable innovations: forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity

The Royal Society, a font of information

Last year the Royal Society celebrated its 350th anniversary, a festival in which the Bassetti Foundation participated in the form of Cristina Grasseni’s visit to London and involvement in the Harvard University Science and Democracy Network international meeting, part of the celebrations. In the run up to this celebration the Royal Society established its Science ... The Royal Society, a font of information

A man, his history and his DNA

by Margherita Fronte One of humankind’s oldest needs – to know oneself. One of the most modern technologies – the DNA testing of a single individual. These are the 2 ingredients of the book entitled Go Ask Your Father: One Man’s Obsession with Finding His Origins Through DNA Testing (Bantam Books, 2009), written by Lennard ... A man, his history and his DNA

Drones and other robots of war

Recently the press has been full of articles addressing the legality or illegality of the military use of unmanned drone aircraft in the war against terror. Their use as well as the use of other human controlled robot weaponry presents a series of ethical, moral, technical and legal problems, often more down to the way ... Drones and other robots of war

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Jonathan Hankins