It’s Circular Forum – 1/15

Event: It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare Title: Interior and exterior architecture. Date: 2018 04 15 Time: 29 min. Place: Auditorium Assimpredil Ance, Milano. Language: Italian and English. Part: 1/15 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: It’s Circular Forum. Metodologie, visioni e pratiche di design circolare.. Contents: Welcome Greetings ... It’s Circular Forum – 1/15

Arthur Huang
Emanuele Tessarolo
Paola Maugeri

Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

The latest edition of the journal Glocalism has just been released, the Bassetti Foundation having participated in the production through its involvement in the editorial process. The issue is titled Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, an argument that as readers will know very much reflects the Foundation’s standpoint. As the editorial points out, at the ... Glocalism. Beyond Democracy: Innovation As Politics, review of the journal.

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4 Issue 3

Late 2017 saw the publication of the latest issue of the Journal of responsible Innovation. In this post we review the collection of articles. In his editorial Politics of Scientific Reflection, Editor in Chief Erik Fisher addresses the problem of asking scientists to reflect upon a host of normative questions such as the social use ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4 Issue 3

Jonathan Hankins

Celebrating SEEG, Manchester Metropolitan University

On 25 October 2017 Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) held the relaunch of SEEG, its Sustainable and Ethical Enterprise Group, hosted by its Business School. SEEG is a hub of expertise in sustainability and innovation, aiming at promoting cross disciplinary collaboration within a broad sustainability agenda while building and supporting a community of like-minded individuals and ... Celebrating SEEG, Manchester Metropolitan University

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4, Issue 2

In this the second of two posts we review the second issue of Volume 4 of the JRI. This Special Issue on the relationship between Technology Assessment (TA) and Responsible Innovation (RI) is by far the largest published to date, reflecting the journal’s success in the field and the ever growing influence of the concept ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 4, Issue 2

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Review of Volume 4, part 1

The autumn means the release of issue 2 of Volume 4 of the Taylor and Francis published Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this the first of two posts covering this volume’s publications, we review the articles from issue 1. The journal opens with an editorial by journal Editor in Chief Erik Fisher entitled Responsible innovation ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Review of Volume 4, part 1

Jonathan Hankins

3D Printing, an overview. A dialogue with Jos Malda.

The Bassetti Foundation is pleased to publish video of the lecture held by Professor Jos Malda at the Bassetti Foundation in May 2017. Malda presented his work at the University of Utrecht in biofabrication using 3D printing technology, addressing many issues surrounding biofabrication and design, describing the current situation in the field and the challenges ... 3D Printing, an overview. A dialogue with Jos Malda.

Redazione FGB

L’innovazione e i suoi nemici. Perché le persone resistono alle nuove tecnologie.

Calestous Juma, Innovation and its enemies. Why people resist the new technologies, Oxford University Press, Oxford (UK), 2016, 416 pp. INDICE dell’articolo: Il tema L’autore e il suo approccio al tema Il titolo L’articolazione degli argomenti Le lezioni da apprendere IL TEMA Questo libro, che illustra il proprio oggetto sin dal titolo e già nelle ... L’innovazione e i suoi nemici. Perché le persone resistono alle nuove tecnologie.

Roberta Garruccio

Postdoc in Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice

Wageningen University has advertised a vacancy for a Postdoc in Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice. The job is part of the RRI Practice project, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project that aims to analyse responsible research and innovation (RRI) related discourses and pathways to implementation in order to identify, understand, disseminate and promote ... Postdoc in Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice

Redazione FGB

Call for Papers. Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics

“Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation” is published by “Globus et Locus”. It is a peer-reviewed, open access and cross-disciplinary journal that aims at stimulating increasing awareness and knowledge around the new dynamics that characterise the glocal reality. As “Glocalism” is a four-monthly journal, three issues will be published annually: at end-February, end-June, end-October. ... Call for Papers. Beyond Democracy: Innovation as Politics

Redazione FGB

Junior per studi umanistici e sociali su scienza e tecnologia

Il Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Design, ha bandito un posto di RTD junior in Sociologia generale (SPS/07) avente ad oggetto una “Unità di studi umanistici e sociali su scienza e tecnologia”. Il progresso tecnologico, la conoscenza scientifica, i processi di innovazione portano con sé problematiche di ordine sociale, etico ed epistemologico che la ricerca ... Junior per studi umanistici e sociali su scienza e tecnologia

Redazione FGB

North Carolina State University, 2 Positions available

A Ph.D. level Graduate Research Assistantship is available in the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources (FER) in the College of Natural Resources at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC). The chosen applicant will participate in two interdisciplinary projects (with an emphasis on social science methodologies): 1) exploring responsible innovation in the field of genetically ... North Carolina State University, 2 Positions available

Redazione FGB