Proceedings of The Network Society, Business, Innovation and Responsibility’ conference

On 22nd October 2009 a conference was held here at the Bassetti Foundation entitled ‘The Network Society, Business, Innovation and Responsibility’. The conference was organized in conjunction with PDMA and ‘Europe in my Region’, and chaired by Bassetti Foundation President Piero Bassetti. The conference was made up of 8 twenty-minute presentations and an hour-long debate. ... Proceedings of The Network Society, Business, Innovation and Responsibility’ conference

Notes from EPIC 2009: Innovation as a commodity

In September I went to Chicago for the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference (EPIC 2009). EPIC draws from a mix of different communities, including design, computing, social science, and anthropology as conducted in academic and corporate research settings. The conference had several excellent presentations — Gillian Tett’s description of her professional odyssey from anthropologist in ... Notes from EPIC 2009: Innovation as a commodity

Towards Transparency — or Lysenkoism?

Transparency and discussions of values would seem to be a cornerstone of responsibility in innovation. But to be effective, questions and processes of disclosure intended to foster transparency need to focus on those areas where conflicts of interest are meaningful. Today, this primarily means financial disclosure, and for those offering or implementing policy recommendations, perhaps ... Towards Transparency — or Lysenkoism?

La società delle reti: imprese, innovazione e responsabilità – la registrazione

(Vedi la registrazione) Il 22 ottobre 2009, per le “Giornate di Economia della Conoscenza e dell’Innovazione”, la Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, PDMA e Europe in my region hanno organizzato un evento dal titolo “La società delle reti: imprese, innovazione e responsabilità”, dove si è discusso della responsabilità dell’innovazione nel contesto complesso e interdipendente delle reti e ... La società delle reti: imprese, innovazione e responsabilità – la registrazione

Redazione FGB

Strategie per l’innovazione

A Milano l’Agenzia per la diffusione delle Tecnologie per l’Innovazione il 28 settembre 2009, ha organizzato a Palazzo dei Giureconsulti di Milano, una consultazione a porte chiuse per un confronto con il ministro Renato Brunetta, in cui sono stati coinvolti 55 speakers tra docenti universitari, rappresentanti del mondo dell’industria, della ricerca, delle comunicazioni e delle ... Strategie per l’innovazione

Redazione FGB

Drugs for People, not for Profit.

On Saturday 29th September 2009 an article appeared in the Guardian one of the UK’s wider read broadsheets entitled ‘Soaring Drugs Bill Threatens to Bankrupt NHS’. The article refers to a report published on the same day by left leaning think-tank Compass, an organization that describes itself as ‘Direction for the Democratic Left’. It reports ... Drugs for People, not for Profit.

Ethics and Innovation – slide

A seguito della partecipazione della FGB al tredicesimo International Intensive Course in Bioethics intitolato Humanizing Tomorrow’s Biomedicine, dal 13 al 24 luglio 2009 a Udine, rendiamo disponibili le slide delle presentazioni su Ethics and Innovation, di Piero Bassetti, Jeff Ubois e Cristina Grasseni. Piero Bassetti Ethics and Innovation —— Jeff Ubois Bioethics and the Media ... Ethics and Innovation – slide

Cristina Grasseni
Piero Bassetti
Redazione FGB

Media, Innovation, and Bioethics

Media play a major role in the healthcare system, affecting medical research, public policy, clinical practice, and self care. Many of the goals of bioethical practice, including patient wellness, patient autonomy, and social justice, and the trend in medicine towards preserving rather than restoring health, can all be served by improving the quality of media ... Media, Innovation, and Bioethics

Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

Scott Berkun is the author of The Myths of Innovation, which examines common pre- and mis-conceptions about innovation, and Making Things Happen, a book about project management. He has written for The New York Times, The Washington Post,, and Wired magazine, and commented about innovation for CNBC, MSNBC, and National Public Radio. He’s also ... Scott Berkun on Responsibility and Resistance

On the Media and Innovation: an Interview with Scott Kirsner

Scott Kirsner writes the weekly Innovation Economy column for the Boston Globe, and is the author of Inventing the Movies: Hollywood’s Epic Battle Between Innovation and the Status Quo, from Thomas Edison to Steve Jobs. He is also a contributor to the New York Times, Wired, Variety, Fast Company, the Hollywood Reporter,, BusinessWeek, and ... On the Media and Innovation: an Interview with Scott Kirsner

Cristina Grasseni at the Slow Food Salon of Taste

On Monday 27th October 2008, within the vast programme of the Slow Food movement’s Salon of Taste which was held in Turin between the 23rd and the 27th October, Cristina Grasseni of the Bassetti Foundation took part in the round table presentation “The Shepherdess: Queen of the Alps”, devoted to the innovative local experiences of ... Cristina Grasseni at the Slow Food Salon of Taste

Cristina Grasseni
Redazione FGB

What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Reflections from a debate at the 2008 Euroscience Open Forum by Maximilian Fochler, Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna Science for a better life – the Euroscience Open Forum 2008 From July 18 to 22 2008 more than 4000 scientists, journalists, policy makers and other interested audiences convened in Barcelona for the ... What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?