Sustainable innovations: forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity

These are the abstracts of the papers presented in the panel “Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocity“. The panel was presented at the 2010 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Last week we published the paper by Jeff Ubois titled “Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation“. You can read also: – The Call for Papers ... Sustainable innovations: forging partnerships, knowledge exchange, and reciprocity

Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation

This is the paper that Jeff Ubois presented last November 2010 at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association. The presentation was part of the panel organized by Cristina Orsatti entitled ‘Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocity’. Soon we shall publish the abstract of the other contributions. Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation ... Responsible Innovation / Sustainable Innovation

Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

Last week the American Anthropological Association (AAA) hosted a discussion about sustainable innovation. Grounded in observations of social practice in particular localities, two points were particularly striking. One was the close relationship between responsibility and sustainability; to be responsible, innovation must be sustainable. The other was the relationship between social life, governance, and technical innovation. ... Sustainable Innovation at the American Anthropological Association (AAA)

The Global Green Awards For Creativity In Sustainability

On 2nd December 2010 the 5th Global Green Awards For Creativity in Sustainability will take place in London. This year the awards include two new categories, one entitled ‘Best Green New Product innovation’ and the second ‘Best Green Educational Project’. This year for the first time the awards will be truly international, with each category ... The Global Green Awards For Creativity In Sustainability

Jonathan Hankins

Governance e responsabilità dell’innovazione

La conoscenza diventa la principale risorsa per la società e l’economia: il salto di paradigma forse più profondo dai tempi della rivoluzione industriale pone una sfida radicale ai criteri manageriali e organizzativi oggi prevalenti. Lo studio di tale salto di paradigma è stato il tema portante del corso dal titolo “Complessità delle reti della conoscenza: ... Governance e responsabilità dell’innovazione

Redazione FGB

Wiebe Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

La tecnoscienza plasma le società moderne offrendo opportunità nuove, ma crea al contempo vulnerabilità che soltanto fino a un secolo fa erano del tutto sconosciute. E se da un lato, anche per questo motivo, il mondo moderno non può fare a meno dei tecnici – tant’è che sempre più spesso chi ha responsabilità di governo ... Wiebe Bijker in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Memory and Responsibility

Last month, with the support of the Bassetti Foundation, more than 60 people met at the Internet Archive in San Francisco to discuss the future of personal digital archives and the implications of innovations and new technologies related to personal and collective memory. Enhancing responsibility in innovation by applying new technologies of memory and personal ... Memory and Responsibility

Una breve recensione: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

L’inizio di quest’anno ha visto la messa on line di una nuova pubblicazione della Fondazione Bassetti intitolata Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility e scritta da Jeff Ubois con la prefazione di Piero Bassetti. La Fondazione la rilascia disponibile in edizione cartacea, in pdf scaricabile e leggibile direttamente on-line tramite Issuu, protetta da licenza Creative ... Una breve recensione: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

Jonathan Hankins

A short review: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

Last week we put online a new publication of the Foundation Bassetti entitled “Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility”, written by Jeff Ubois and available in hard copy, downloadable pdf or Issuu (on line) versions. The publication is a resume’ of conversations conducted between Mr Ubois and 12 internationally renowned innovators and thinkers and features ... A short review: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

Index of this page: – The booklet in Issuu – Introduction – Table Of Contents – Clip video – Cover See also a short review by Jonathan Hankins in Focus section.   The Fondazione Giannino Bassetti’s new publication, Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility highlights approaches to responsibility in innovation taken by leading practitioners in ... Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

Redazione FGB

New Publication from FGB: Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

The Fondazione Giannino Bassetti’s new publication, Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility highlights approaches to responsibility in innovation taken by leading practitioners in disruptive fields. Our intent is to highlight approaches that can be replicated, and to develop language that can allow practitioners in different fields to communicate more effectively about responsible innovation. By focusing ... New Publication from FGB: Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

Innovation may produce unexpected side effects

The latest edition of the economics journal “Project M” features an interview with Foundation President Piero Bassetti. The interview addresses the issues that are closest to The President’s heart: how can we firstly define innovation and responsibility and secondly push innovators into thinking ethically about the consequences of their actions, given the possibly far-reaching and ... Innovation may produce unexpected side effects