Cloned meat and milk enter the food chain

This week both the UK and foreign news channels and press have run stories that raise some serious questions about the regulation of cloning and foodstuffs. It appears that milk produced by the offspring of a cloned cow is (or has been) on sale in UK shops, unmarked and mixed in with other milk. This ... Cloned meat and milk enter the food chain

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Food, Sustainability and Plant Science conference

The 10th EMBO/EMBL Science & Society Conference entitled “Food, sustainability and plant science – a global challenge” takes place on 6th and 7th of November 2009 at EMBL in Heidelberg, Germany. The EMBO (European Molecular Biology Association) and EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) jointly promote the conference and state on the conference website that ‘This ... Food, Sustainability and Plant Science conference

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Functional Food, Novel Food e Nanofood

Il Gruppo Scientifico Italiano Studi e Ricerche (G.S.I.S.R.) organizza a Milano giovedì 11 dicembre 2008 una giornata di studio intitolata “Functional Food, Novel Food e Nanofood. Nuove frontiere nell’alimentazione“. Il nanocibo, come definito dal Nanoforum nel documento “Nanotechnology in Agriculture and Food“, è “l’insieme di quelle tecniche o apparecchi che usano la nanotecnologia durante le ... Functional Food, Novel Food e Nanofood

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European Food Safety Authority is launching a public consultation

Public consultation on the Draft Opinion of the Scientific Committee on the Potential Risks Arising from Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies on Food and Feed safety and the Environment EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) is launching a public consultation on its draft scientific opinion on the Potential Risks Arising from Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies on Food and Feed ... European Food Safety Authority is launching a public consultation

Cristina Grasseni at the Slow Food Salon of Taste

On Monday 27th October 2008, within the vast programme of the Slow Food movement’s Salon of Taste which was held in Turin between the 23rd and the 27th October, Cristina Grasseni of the Bassetti Foundation took part in the round table presentation “The Shepherdess: Queen of the Alps”, devoted to the innovative local experiences of ... Cristina Grasseni at the Slow Food Salon of Taste

Cristina Grasseni
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La reinvenzione del cibo

La reinvenzione del cibo. Culture del gusto fra tradizione e globalizzazione ai piedi delle Alpi di Cristina Grasseni, Verona, Qui Edit, 2007 Da quando l’innovazione tecnologica in campo agro-alimentare ha cominciato a rivoluzionare le abitudine alimentari, è fiorito un interesse interdisciplinare – che coinvolge l’etica, la sociologia, la politologia, etc. – sul tema del cibo. ... La reinvenzione del cibo

Nicole Lozzi
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Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (2)

(continua da “Slow food, fast genes… (1)”) Timescapes of authenticity Innovation or creativity: which is the best concept for explaining the kind of novelty that affects our daily consumption of food? We can take innovation to mean “the improbable made real” (see Piero Bassetti’s LSE lecture on Innovation, social risk and political responsibility; in italian: ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (2)

Cristina Grasseni

Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

In apertura della rubrica sull’antropologia dell’innovazione ho ritenuto opportuno segnalare ai lettori del sito la recente conferenza annuale dell’Association of Social Anthropologists (ASA), tenutasi ad Aberdeen dal 4 al 7 aprile 2005, sul tema “Creativity and cultural improvisation”. In particolare il panel su “Creativity and temporality”si proponeva di trovare risposte antropologiche alle seguenti questioni (riportate ... Slow food, fast genes: the different timescapes of innovation and responsibility in the anthropology of food (1)

Cristina Grasseni

Terri Schiavo: Innovation, Decision Making and the Future of Ethics

Across the Atlantic, people are shocked to watch in real time the ‘phasing out’ of Terri Schiavo, which has been declared as living in a ‘vegetative state’ as a result of a sudden loss of oxigen to her brain approximately 15 years ago. Her husband, which has been her tutor over all this time, has ... Terri Schiavo: Innovation, Decision Making and the Future of Ethics