SMART-map project e-book launch event – 1/5

Event: SMART-map project e-book launch event. Date: 2018 10 29 Time: 44 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 1/5 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: 30 mesi di SMART-map project: evento conclusivo. Introduction: SMART-map project e-book launch event Contents: Apertura dei lavori: Piero Bassetti, presidente di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Intervento ... SMART-map project e-book launch event – 1/5

Francesco Lescai
Piero Bassetti

Postdoc in Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice

Wageningen University has advertised a vacancy for a Postdoc in Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice. The job is part of the RRI Practice project, a European Commission Horizon 2020 funded project that aims to analyse responsible research and innovation (RRI) related discourses and pathways to implementation in order to identify, understand, disseminate and promote ... Postdoc in Responsible Research and Innovation in Practice

Redazione FGB

Responsible Research and Innovation – RRI Tools a Roma

(Le fotografie sono visibili anche nel nostro account in Flickr.) L’Unione Europea intende promuovere non solo scienza e tecnologia eccellente, ma anche socialmente desiderabile. Per raggiungere questo risultato diventa fondamentale allineare gli obiettivi dei processi di ricerca e innovazione, alle esigenze e ai valori della società. Esiste un’ampia letteratura secondo la quale è evidente che, ... Responsible Research and Innovation – RRI Tools a Roma

Redazione FGB

‘Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously’ Italian Edition

The mission of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation is to promote responsibility in innovation and specifically to foster responsibly innovative processes. Today, the growing role of techno-science in society calls for responsibly innovative ways of governing it: there is a need to operate a convergence between the notions of citizens’ rights, new ways of governing science ... ‘Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously’ Italian Edition

Redazione FGB