Salvatore Veca, Etica e verità – Saggi (ingannevolmente) brevi

I cinque scritti di Veca, raccolti a ricordo di Guido Venosta e a commento di un suo breve saggio, Dal profit al non profit, affrontano con dovizia di richiami e conferme di autori antichi, moderni e contemporanei un dilemma destinato a rimanere tale, ovvero destinato ad essere riproposto indefinitamente senza mai poter essere accantonato – ... Salvatore Veca, Etica e verità – Saggi (ingannevolmente) brevi

Alberto Schena

Home DNA Testing for all the Family

On 17th November 2009 home DNA testing kits went on over the counter sale for the first time in high street chemists in the UK. These kits allow the DNA testing of a child’s paternity and involve the taking of saliva from both the child and the ‘alleged father’s’ mouth (their terminology) and its analysis. ... Home DNA Testing for all the Family

Jonathan Hankins

Teaching ethics in an age of crisis

(leggi in italiano) 30 November 2009 Quarta conferenza nazionale di Econometica: From the global financial crisis to a new social contract for the firm: from the shareholder value to the stakeholder value? SECOND COLLOQUIUM: Teaching ethics in an age of crisis Live streaming on idea TRE60 (by 2lifecast) The aim of the Second Colloquium is ... Teaching ethics in an age of crisis

Redazione FGB

An Ethics For Emerging Technologies

As a follow on from my previous introduction to synthetic biology posting I would like to take a look at the recent report entitled Ethical Issues in Synthetic Biology; a review of the debates. The report published in June 2009 is co-authored by Erik Parens, Josephine Johnston and Jacob Moses, all of The Hastings Center ... An Ethics For Emerging Technologies

Jonathan Hankins

A Little Ethical Light Reading for the holidays

Richard G Epstein works in the Department of Computer Science, West Chester University of PA, where he teaches courses on computer science, software engineering and computer security and ethics. His university home page provides access to some of his publications, and I would like to have a look at three of them. I should say ... A Little Ethical Light Reading for the holidays

Jonathan Hankins

Neuroscienze e futuro militare

" Emerging neuroscience opportunities have great potential to improve soldier performance and enable the development of technologies to increase the effectiveness of soldiers on the battlefield. Advances in research and investments by the broader science and medical community promise new insights for future military applications. These include traditional areas of interest to the Army, such ... Neuroscienze e futuro militare

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Will Machines Outsmart Humans?

This week the New York Times published an interesting article entitled Scientists Worry That Machines May Outsmart Man, written by John Markoff, their Silicon Valley Reporter. The author sites a meeting that recently took place on February 25th 2009 in the Asilomar Conference Grounds on Monterey Bay in California between leading computer scientists, artificial intelligence ... Will Machines Outsmart Humans?

Jonathan Hankins

Oversights in Oversighting Nanotechnology

In this article I would like to follow up on my series of postings on nanotechnology by taking a look at the recent report entitled Oversight of Next Generation Nanotechnology written by J Clarence Davies and published by The Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars as part of their project on emerging nanotechnologies. The author ... Oversights in Oversighting Nanotechnology

Jonathan Hankins

Is ethics a branch of Politics?

Returning to take a more in-depth look at the work of The Hastings Center and its interest in bio-ethics, I would like to review their recent online and hardback publication entitled From Birth to Death and Bench to Clinic: The Hastings Center Bioethics Briefing Book for Journalists, Policymakers, and Campaigns. Reading this book I became ... Is ethics a branch of Politics?

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins

International course in Public Communication and Applied Ethics of Nanotechnology

From 22 to 27th March 2009 an international advanced course entitled Public Communication and Applied Ethics of Nanotechnology takes place at St Edmund Hall at the University of Oxford in the UK. The course is aimed at anyone working within nanotechnology or with an interest in its public communication and ethical implications, and the organizers ... International course in Public Communication and Applied Ethics of Nanotechnology

Redazione FGB

What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Reflections from a debate at the 2008 Euroscience Open Forum by Maximilian Fochler, Department of Social Studies of Science, University of Vienna Science for a better life – the Euroscience Open Forum 2008 From July 18 to 22 2008 more than 4000 scientists, journalists, policy makers and other interested audiences convened in Barcelona for the ... What’s the social and ethical responsibility of basic science?

Robotics. A new science

Fiorella Operto offers some reflections on the conference “Robotics. A new science” that took place in Rome in February at the Accademia dei Lincei. A growing international debate proposes the re-thinking in ethical terms of a research area, robotics, that has been profoundly influenced by recent scientific and technological developments in the informatics, telecommunication, software ... Robotics. A new science

Fiorella Operto