Il dilemma del virus letale creato in laboratorio

Un gruppo di virologi olandesi diretto da Ron Fouchier, dell’Erasmus Medical Centre di Rotterdam, ha ottenuto in laboratorio una variante del virus dell’influenza aviaria (H5N1), in grado di trasmettersi efficacemente da uomo a uomo. Il mutante potrebbe causare una pandemia ad elevato tasso di letalità, dato che il virus naturale, che è diffuso fra i ... Il dilemma del virus letale creato in laboratorio

Margherita Fronte

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video

WORKSHOP at ECAP7 Sept 4th, 2011, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan Report, video and photos, abstracts. A REPORT by Virginia Sanchini The workshop was organized by Prof. Roberto Mordacci, chair of Moral Philosophy at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan, and by Michele Loi, post-doc researcher at the same University. The aim of the ... Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video

Virginia Sanchini

Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – 10/31

Event: Innovating Food, Innovating the Law. Title: Labelling animal welfare, empowering citizens’ ethics. Date: 2011 10 14 Time: 16 min. Place: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Report: Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – report e immagini (in Italian) Slides: in Slideshare. Innovating Food, Innovating the Law. Conference Università ... Innovating Food, Innovating the Law – 10/31

Paola Fossati

Guerre a distanza e responsabilità

Le nuove tecnologie, informatiche e robotiche, stanno modificando il modo di programmare e condurre le guerre, separando – fisicamente e psicologicamente – i luoghi in cui i mezzi bellici sono comandati da quelli in cui effettivamente agiscono. Le implicazioni di questo mutamento sono state affrontate di recente in una serie di articoli pubblicati dalla rivista ... Guerre a distanza e responsabilità

Margherita Fronte

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 5/5 – Christopher Wareham

Event: ECAP 7. Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Date: 2011 09 04 Time: 33 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video. ECAP7 Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop September 4th 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Part 5/5 Christopher Wareham (1/2) ... Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 5/5 – Christopher Wareham

Christopher Wareham

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 4/5 – Nicole Vincent

Event: ECAP 7. Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Date: 2011 09 04 Time: 42 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video. ECAP7 Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop September 4th 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Part 4/5 Nicole Vincent (1/2) ... Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 4/5 – Nicole Vincent

Nicole Vincent

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 3/5 – Helena Siipi

Event: ECAP 7. Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Date: 2011 09 04 Time: 30 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video. ECAP7 Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop September 4th 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Part 3/5 Helena Siipi ————–

Helena Siipi

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 2/5 – Soren Holm

Event: ECAP 7. Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Date: 2011 09 04 Time: 26 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video. ECAP7 Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop September 4th 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Part 2/5 Soren Holm (2/2) ... Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 2/5 – Soren Holm

Soren Holm

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 1/5 – Soren Holm

Event: ECAP 7. Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Date: 2011 09 04 Time: 22 min. Place: Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy. Language: English. url Vimeo: Report: Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Report and Video. ECAP7 Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop September 4th 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Part 1/5 Soren Holm (1/2) ... Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics – 1/5 – Soren Holm

Soren Holm

Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop all’ECAP7

Workshop – Sunday, September 4th 2011 Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele. Le innovazioni nel campo della scienza e della tecnologia sono spesso origine di discussioni pubbliche, ma poche di esse hanno generato dibattiti così intensi come le innovazioni biotecnologiche sul potenziamento delle capacità umane quali modificazioni genetiche, farmaci per il potenziamento delle capacità cognitive, e, in ... Ethics, Human Enhancement and Genetics. Workshop all’ECAP7

Redazione FGB

Prosthetic by choice?

Following on from the arguments raised during the discussion with athlete Marta Milani, this article looks at some of the issues posed by advances in prosthetic technology, and the issue of a patient’s choice to amputate a hand in order to have a prosthetic version fitted. The BBC World News channel recently carried a report ... Prosthetic by choice?

Jonathan Hankins

Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 30/30

Event: Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Title: Estetica situata: quali sono i limiti dell’esperienza estetica?. Date: 2011 05 06 Time: 55 min. Place: Palazzo del Bo, Padova, Italy. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Report: Neuroetica 2011 Neuroetica 2011. Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline. Convegno. Padova, Palazzo del Bo, Aula Nievo. 4-6 maggio 2011 ... Le Neuroscienze incontrano le altre discipline – 30/30

Riccardo Manzotti