Smart Citizens e Open Data

Sempre più spesso parliamo di smart cities: città intelligenti, incubatori di innovazione capaci di impiegare le tecnologie digitali per obiettivi di efficienza, risparmio energetico e rinforzata coesione sociale. Ma come si comportano e quale ruolo possono ricoprire gli smart citizens? Lo scopo del progetto Smart Citizens e Open Data – ideato e promosso da Fondazione ... Smart Citizens e Open Data

Redazione FGB

Is Citizen Science Coming of Age?

Last year I posted an introductory article to citizen science, something that I again touched upon in a newer article about synthetic biology, and recently have been following some interesting developments in the field. One of these developments involves a game called ‘Fold. It’ and gamers appear to have made a breakthrough in scientific understanding. ... Is Citizen Science Coming of Age?

Jonathan Hankins

Design Pubblico

Il termine “design” è sempre più spesso collegato ad attività che comportano l’esperienza quotidiana di un individuo o di una comunità di persone. L’idea che il design sia collegato necessariamente a un oggetto o alla sua estetica sembra che debba, forse fortunatamente, diventare un modo passato di usare il termine. Invece si fa strada sempre ... Design Pubblico

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Climate change and public involvement

The Accent project promoted by the European Science Centre. Climate change issues are clearly a growing concern for the public today. In recent years, people have received a great deal of information from media on the causes and consequences of climate change, but – depending on countries and regions – citizens’ understanding and engagement in ... Climate change and public involvement

Giuseppe Pellegrini

Citizen Science

In one of my previous postings I looked at the work of Ben Goldacre and in particular his book Bad Science. My argument also drew upon subject matter from previous postings, namely the work of Robert Winston and Lennard Davis. All of these authors argue that there is a need to educate the general public ... Citizen Science

Citizen Participation in Science and Technology

In this posting I would like to have a look at the work of the CIPAST project and a report published late last year by Chloe Alexander of the University of Padova in which she describes and analyses the workings and perceived effectiveness of the project. At time of high science and technology issues, it ... Citizen Participation in Science and Technology

Redazione FGB