PhD course Philosophy of Responsible Innovation

The PhD course Philosophy of Responsible Innovation (8-17 January 2020) in Wageningen and Delft (Netherlands) is now open for registration. This course discusses the main philosophical issues in relation to Responsible Innovation, an emerging concept in the EU context which highlights the relevance of social-ethical issues in research and innovation practices. This emerging concept calls ... PhD course Philosophy of Responsible Innovation

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PRISMA Industrial Roadmap

Thursday 27 June, 2019 saw the final meeting of the PRISMA project in Brussels, with Jonathan Hankins attending on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. Prisma is an almost completed European Union Horizon 2020 funded project whose aim was to develop a road mapping methodology for RRI in industry, based upon a series of freshly completed ... PRISMA Industrial Roadmap

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Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms

“Make the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach the core of your company’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and strategic policies. As a result, you will achieve commercial success with beneficial societal impacts.” TU Delft are offering a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course): Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms, beginning on June 25th and running for ... Responsible Innovation: Building Tomorrow’s Responsible Firms

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Online Conference on Co-creation and Climate Action

The 1st TeRRIFICA Online Conference “Co-creation and Climate Action. How people can have an impact on climate adaptation and mitigation?”, will be held online on May 22nd 2019. The Conference will start with the expert talk on co-creation given by Dr. Angela Connelly (University of Manchester). It will also offer good practice examples from six ... Online Conference on Co-creation and Climate Action

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ROSIE: Innovation in Practice Event

The latest meeting of the ROSIE Interreg project was held on 3-4 April 2019, hosted at the Innovative Solutions and New Technologies conference in Lublin, Poland. I (Jonathan Hankins) attended on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation in his role as Responsible Innovation expert attached to the project. The following is a short report on proceedings ... ROSIE: Innovation in Practice Event

Jonathan Hankins

Introduzione alla Responsible Innovation di ROSIE

Come sapranno i lettori abituali, la fondazione Bassetti e i suoi collaboratori prendono parte a un’ampia gamma di progetti esterni. Un esempio è il progetto ROSIE, un progetto finanziato dall’UE Interreg Central Europe che mira a migliorare le competenze di imprenditori e attori dell’innovazione per promuovere l’innovazione responsabile nelle aziende di tutta l’Europa centrale. Nell’ambito ... Introduzione alla Responsible Innovation di ROSIE

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Introduction to Responsible Innovation by ROSIE

As regular readers will know, the Bassetti foundation and its collaborators take part in a broad array of external projects. One example is the ROSIE Project. ROSIE is an Interreg Central Europe EU funded project that aims to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors to promote Responsible Innovation in companies across the central Europe ... Introduction to Responsible Innovation by ROSIE

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Special track on Quadruple Helix Collaboration for Responsible Research and Innovation

Triple Helix Conference, Thessalonici, Greece, 30-9 – 1-10 2019 Special Track on: Quadruple Helix Collaborations for Responsible Innovation Processes, Procedures, People and Impact organized by Vincent Blok, Renate Wesselink and Eugen Popa Call description Contemporary society faces a series of grand challenges on topics such as energy production, transport, equity, and healthcare. Such challenges require ... Special track on Quadruple Helix Collaboration for Responsible Research and Innovation

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An overview of 2018

2018 was a busy and successful year for the Bassetti Foundation and its team of collaborators that saw a host of publications, participation within numerous conferences, collaborations across a wide range of fields and several events hosted in Milan. The following aims to offer an overview of a year’s work, is not exhaustive but offers ... An overview of 2018

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Scienziati in affanno? Un incontro con gli autori.

I rischi e i benefici connessi all’innovazione tecnoscientifica nel quadro più generale delle politiche della ricerca europea sono il tema del libro “Scienziati in affanno? Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili (RRI) in teoria e nelle pratiche“, pubblicato a maggio 2018 ed edito dal CNR. Da prospettive e posizioni differenti, gli autori raccontano e discutono il rapporto ... Scienziati in affanno? Un incontro con gli autori.

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Responsible innovation: ethics, safety and technology, some personal thoughts on the MOOC. Review.

In his latest Journal of Responsibile Innovation (JRI) article Responsible innovation: ethics, safety and technology, some personal thoughts on the MOOC, Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins describes the Delft University of Technology online course of the same name that he completed in 2016. Hankins describes how the course develops in detail, from a background explanation of ... Responsible innovation: ethics, safety and technology, some personal thoughts on the MOOC. Review.

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Philosophy of Responsible Innovation, a University Course

The Dutch Research School of Philosophy (OZSW), Wageningen University and Delft University of Technology are offering the course “Philosophy of Responsible Innovation”, scheduled to take place in January 2019. The course will be taught in English and should be interesting and suitable for many of our readers. Date(s) 9-11 January 2019, 14-18 January 2019 Location ... Philosophy of Responsible Innovation, a University Course

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