European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 1

In this, the first of two posts, I would like to offer a brief overview of how the first half of the European Biotechnology and Society online seminar series panned out. The seminar series website contains details of speakers and topics, as well as much of the materials presented. Seminar 1: 30 September 2020 The ... European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Quanto è ‘responsabile’ l’innovazione europea? APRE MUG talk.

Tra il 19 e il 22 ottobre 2020 si svolgerà la conferenza della rete APRE in coincidenza con il suo trentennale: VERSO UN NUOVO FUTURO LA RICERCA & INNOVAZIONE EUROPEA IN RETE. APRE – Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea, da trenta anni supporta e promuove la partecipazione italiana ai programmi europei di Ricerca ... Quanto è ‘responsabile’ l’innovazione europea? APRE MUG talk.

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Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.

Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation by Stevienna de Saille, Fabien Medvecky, Michiel van Oudheusden, Kevin Albertson, Effie Amanatidou, Timothy Birabi and Mario Pansera has just been released by Bristol University Press. The book opens with a foreword from Richard Owen, in which he offers a succinct overview of the ideas that permeate ... Responsibility Beyond Growth. A Case For Responsible Stagnation – Book Review.

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation Summit, 20 – 21 October

The Fourth Responsible Innovation Summit will be held online on 20 – 21 October. The summit aims to inspire innovators from business, research and policy sectors to ‘build back better’ after the Covid19 pandemic by adapting Responsible Innovation and sustainable business practices. Leaders of change will come together to mainstream Responsible Innovation, learn from emerging ... Responsible Innovation Summit, 20 – 21 October

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Journal of Responsible Innovation to Become Open Access with Impact Factor

Open Access Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation will be the first to be fully open access, in a move that as Editor in Chief Erik Fisher explains will allow the journal to ‘retain most if not all of the current authorship (including grad students, junior and independent scholars, and professionals) and article ... Journal of Responsible Innovation to Become Open Access with Impact Factor

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ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review

The ROSIE: RESPONSIBLE & INNOVATIVE SMEs IN CENTRAL EUROPE project held its final event (virtually) on 23 June 2020, a celebration and presentation of three year’s work carried out across 8 central European countries and involving 11 partners. The aim of the project was to improve skills among entrepreneurs and innovation actors and to promote ... ROSIE Project Final Virtual Meeting, a Review

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Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation. A book by Ilse Marschalek.

A critical reflection from the practitioner’s point of view. Book Review Introduction In the open access publication Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation, Ilse Marschalek investigates the roles that a group of people that she names ‘Public Participation Practitioners’ play in the attempt to transform the relationship between science and society though the adoption ... Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation. A book by Ilse Marschalek.

Jonathan Hankins

RRI Special Feature in the Project Repository Journal

The Project Repository Journal (PRj) is the European Dissemination Media Agency (EDMA)’s flagship open access publication, dedicated to showcasing funded science and research throughout Europe. Projects that are funded either by the European Commission, through one of their current schemes such as with an ERC grant or via Horizon 2020, or which have received a ... RRI Special Feature in the Project Repository Journal

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Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

TRANSFORM stands for Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies, through new Forms of Open and Responsible Decision-Making and is our second Horizon 2020 project. This time will commit us to leading a consortium of thirteen partners: TRANSFORM will engage us for 36 months, together with the institutions of Lombardy, Catalunya and ... Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

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Living Innovation

The Bassetti Foundation would like to draw readers’ attention to a fascinating and intriguing interview with René von Schomberg, recently published on the LIVING INNOVATION website. LIVING INNOVATION aims to develop responsible, smart home solutions that tackle societal challenges and respond to pressing societal trends, involving industry leaders engaging with lead users in co-creation processes. ... Living Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Postdoctoral positions in Responsible Innovation at The Australian National University

The Australian National University (ANU) is seeking two postdoctoral fellows to help shape the agenda for impact-focused research and practice in responsible innovation in Australia. The 3-year positions (one focusing on precision health and medicine, the other on synthetic biology) are part of our new collaboration with Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO – in particular, ... Postdoctoral positions in Responsible Innovation at The Australian National University

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British Standards Institution Call for Comments: Responsible Innovation.

The British Standards Institute (BSI) has recently published a draft and call for comments for a forthcoming standard for Responsible Innovation. Comments can be made (after free registration) until 29 October 2019 as part of a typical timeline for the development of a published Standard. The draft document is published through the BSI website with ... British Standards Institution Call for Comments: Responsible Innovation.

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