Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3

This issue contains six research articles, opening with Challenges in the implementation of responsible researchand innovation across Horizon 2020 from Raúl Tabarés, Anne Loeber, Mika Nieminen, Michael J. Bernstein,Erich Griessler, Vincent Blok, Joshua Cohen, Helmut Hönigmayer, Ulrike Wunderle and Elisabeth Frankus. Based on policy document analysis as a series of interviews carried out as part ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 3

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2

As regular readers might imagine, Issue 2 opens with Erik Fisher‘s Editorial, in this case Responding to difference in and for RI. Fisher identifies the theme of responding to difference in and for responsible innovation as being salient to this issue, described as ‘a rich selection of scholarly treatments of difference in the framings, strategies, ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 9, Issue 2

Jonathan Hankins

TRANSFORM in Lombardia: i risultati del percorso

Il metodo testato in Lombardia è un possibile strumento per coinvolgere i cittadini nel policy making. L’evento finale del percorso locale di TRANSFORM è stata un’importante occasione di confronto tra gli attori che si occupano di governance di ricerca e innovazione, in particolare in ambito regionale. Grazie all’intervento dei partner e degli speaker, si è ... TRANSFORM in Lombardia: i risultati del percorso

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Un percorso partecipativo per una Responsible Smart Mobility in Regione Lombardia

Si è concluso sabato 25 giugno il percorso partecipativo organizzato nell’ambito del progetto EU TRANSFORM per raccogliere le raccomandazioni dei cittadini e delle cittadine residenti in Lombardia sul tema della mobilità intelligente e responsabile.Questo nuovo percorso di coinvolgimento, che vi abbiamo presentato in un precedente post, si è confermato come un’iniziativa di grande rilievo per ... Un percorso partecipativo per una Responsible Smart Mobility in Regione Lombardia

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Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed

Volume 9 opens with Erik Fisher’s Editorial Engaging with societal challenges in responsible innovation, in which the Editor in Chief describes how the issue considers some of the ways in which grand societal challenges have been invoked, framed, and addressed by scientific researchers, university administrators, global actors, and the responsible research and innovation (RRI) community ... Volume 9, Issue 1 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance Workshop

The Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance workshop was held on 29-30 June at Käte Hamburger Kolleg (KHK), Cultures of Research, RWTH Aachen University. Foreign Scientific Correspondent Jonathan Hankins attended and files the following report. In his introduction to the workshop, René von Schomberg shared his view that a well-developed open scholarship science system ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance Workshop

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

Grazie al progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM l’11 giugno si svolgerà la prima giornata della Giuria di Cittadine e Cittadini su mobilità intelligente e responsabile in Lombardia. Il progetto EU H2020 TRANSFORM, di cui Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è ente coordinatore, è entrato nel suo terzo e ultimo anno di attività. Dopo l’intenso lavoro preparatorio del 2020 ... Responsible Smart Mobility: una Citizens’ Jury per raccogliere le opinioni dei cittadini

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Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

This (online) Open Scholarship event will be held on 29 and 30 June 2022, with registration possible by contacting Regular Foundation followers will know many of the people presenting and involved in the organization of the conference, including René von Schomberg, Douglas Robinson, Mario Pansera and Vincent Blok. The following overview has been made ... Open Scholarship, Responsible Research and Innovation and Anticipatory Governance: the Online Event

Redazione FGB

Some Take-aways from the Sustainable Research Symposium 2022

After a COVID enforced two-year hiatus, I was pleased to physically step back into my first in-person symposium this month, the Sustainable Research Symposium 2022. This was the second such simposium, hosted on 19 May this year by the Dutch section of Green Labs, an organization described as a community and resources platform for sustainable ... Some Take-aways from the Sustainable Research Symposium 2022

Jonathan Hankins

TRANSFORM: i bisogni dei cittadini entrano nelle policy di Regione Lombardia – I risultati del percorso deliberativo

I risultati del percorso deliberativo del progetto UE inclusi Programma Strategico Triennale su R&I. Come ormai noto, viviamo in un momento di crisi per i governi democratici, così come li abbiamo conosciuti sino ad ora: la fiducia tra cittadini e istituzioni è in bilico, il dibattito pubblico è sempre più polarizzato e allo stesso tempo ... TRANSFORM: i bisogni dei cittadini entrano nelle policy di Regione Lombardia – I risultati del percorso deliberativo

Anna Pellizzone

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8, Issue 3 – review

The third issue of Volume 8 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation opens with Erik Fisher‘s editorial, Responsible Innovation Through a Multiplicity of Approaches. Fisher explains the diversity of approaches and fields (human genome editing, digitized energy and automated vehicles, urban innovation, the circular economy to name several) represented in the issue, before offering an ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 8, Issue 3 – review

Jonathan Hankins

Technical University of Denmark Tenure Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Design and Innovation

DTU invites applications for an assistant/associate professorship in Design and Innovation within the Responsible Innovation and Design division at DTU Management. The division is a key player in DTU’s strategic aim to foster ‘technology for people’, i.e. to put human needs and aspirations at the centre of technological development and innovation. It is focused on ... Technical University of Denmark Tenure Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Design and Innovation

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