The School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic invites expressions of interest for one Post-doc position in the area of Sociology of Science & Technology.
The position is for one Full-time Postdoc for 1 year, renewable for 2 additional years. Tenure track opportunities are envisaged afterwards. The Postdoc will conduct research full-time at the intersection of Sociology and Science & Technology, with special interest in investigating processes of democratization of science with an STS approach (Science and Technology Studies), including such topics as public engagement, citizen science, socially distributed expertise, crowd science, RRI, etc.
Research questions include, but are not limited to, the following:
• What is the social legitimacy and representativeness of digital crowds V. expert judgments?
• What makes a crowd judgment appear representative, or fair, or acceptable to policy makers?
• How do the decisions of the crowd compare to those of the experts (in terms of legitimacy, representativeness, social acceptability, etc.)?
• How do they compare when the decisions involve technical/scientific understanding? Or judgmental/ethical reasoning? Or both?
This position would start in fall 2020. Gross salary is €30.000 and coverage by the national healthcare service is given as part of the employment position. The position does not include teaching duties.
Teaching at the undergraduate, graduate and master level is possible and encouraged and would lead to additional compensation.
Applicants should have a solid methodological background and a track-record (or proved pipeline) of publications in primary international outlets. Knowledge of the Italian language is not required, but the ability to teach in English is mandatory.
Interested candidates should send an email to The email should include: 1) a cover letter motivating their interest and why they are the ideal candidates for this position, 2) a CV (2-pages maximum), 3) a description of their prior research (1-page maximum) by August 31st, 2020. All correspondence and expressions of interest will be kept strictly confidential. The School guarantees equal gender opportunities in recruitment and career. The subject line of the email should read: “Expression of interest: DIG-META”. The file attached should be named according to this format: lastname_Nr (1, 2, etc).pdf (e.g. Smith_1.pdf – where the numbers refer to the documents required).
Prof. Chiara Franzoni ( is the contact person for anyone requiring further information.