La tua ricerca per "speaker" ha prodotto 87 risultati

12 risultati di 87

MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience

On 27 April (2022) I visited MEET Digital Centre in Milan for a double bill of Virtual Reality. I first experienced Fabio Gianpietro’s installation The Lift in the centre’s Immersive Room, before attending Matteo Lonardi’s presentation of his Interactive VR story Il Dubbio (Doubt). Both artists were present and the following personal impressions are based ... MEET: Some Thoughts on a Virtual Reality Experience

Jonathan Hankins

TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.

Bruxelles, 11 – 14 October, 2021. The European Week of Regions and Cities is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy. It brings together regions and cities from all over Europe, including politicians, administrators, experts and academics in a four-day event that boasts several interesting formats (the opening session was run following a ... TRANSFORM at the 19th European Week of Regions and Cities. A Review.

Jonathan Hankins

MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

After more than 4 years in operation, between 7-9 September 2021 the MARIE Interreg project hosted 3 days of seminars, with networking slots and video drops and some light-hearted fun. Day 1 The topic for the first day was Responsibility and sustainable strategies: Moving Towards S4+. After taking a voluntary quiz and language lesson about ... MARIE Webinar Week: A Review

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Il progetto TRANSFORM alla Settimana Europea delle Regioni e delle Città

Citizen engagement TRANSFORMing regional R&I policymaking Si terrà online il prossimo 12 ottobre alle 9.30, nella prestigiosa cornice della Settimana Europea delle Regioni e delle Città (#EURegionsWeek), il laboratorio partecipativo dal titolo “Citizen engagement TRANSFORMing regional R&I policymaking“. L’evento è organizzato dai partner di TRANSFORM, il progetto H2020 – coordinato da Fondazione Giannino Bassetti – ... Il progetto TRANSFORM alla Settimana Europea delle Regioni e delle Città

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Incontrando il Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione

Un ciclo di sei webinar per conoscere i dieci membri del Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione. Era questo “In dialogo col Foro”, la serie di appuntamenti online organizzata tra il 25 maggio e il 6 luglio 2021 da Regione Lombardia in collaborazione con Fondazione Bassetti per incontrare da vicino i dieci esperti internazionali ... Incontrando il Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione

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European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 2

(…continues from the previous entry) Week 3 The third week of the seminar series opened with Felix Müller of Evonik Operations GmbH presenting HotSolute: Sustainability from the view of the chemical industry. Through the lens of the HotSolute project, Müller presented the interests and actions carried out by the chemical giant Evonik in its transition ... European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 1

June saw the launch of the European Biotechnology and Society 2021 seminar series, a five-week long series of presentations and questions. Week 1 This second series opened with a brief introduction from Robert Smith entitled A space beyond the project, before Maja Horst (well known to the Foundation due to her position within the VIRI) ... European Biotechnology and Society Seminar Series 2021 – Review, Part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology

On 25 January 2021, I attended Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology. This was an online event hosted by the Carbon Recycling Network, the Nottingham BBSRC/EPSRC Synthetic Biology Research Centre, and the ENGICOIN project, in collaboration with the Institute for Science and Society, University of Nottingham. As the website states: This open, online event ... Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology

Jonathan Hankins

Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation

Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation (Organized by the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab) Event Date: Wednesday February 3rd, 16.00 – 17.30 (online). Event Description: The organizers of the Beyond Cosmethics IdeaLab cordially invite you to the IdeaLab’s opening lecture on Responsible Research and Innovation held by Dr. Dr. ... Open Lecture by Dr. Dr. phil. René von Schomberg on Responsible Research and Innovation

Redazione FGB

European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 2

This is the second part of the review of the European Biotechnology and Society online seminar series. The seminar series website contains details of speakers and topics, as well as much of the materials presented. The first part is here. Seminar 4, 21 October, 2020 The fourth online seminar in the series was held on ... European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 2

Jonathan Hankins

European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 1

In this, the first of two posts, I would like to offer a brief overview of how the first half of the European Biotechnology and Society online seminar series panned out. The seminar series website contains details of speakers and topics, as well as much of the materials presented. Seminar 1: 30 September 2020 The ... European Biotechnology and Society Online Seminar Series – Review, Part 1

Jonathan Hankins

Risorse da Fondazione Bassetti. Parte 2. Podcast, Video e Fotografie

(Continua dal precedente post) Aggiungiamo un nuovo post per offrire a chi ci segue una nuova guida a tutti i nostri materiali online e dare qualche spunto di lettura e visione. Nello scorso articolo abbiamo presentato il corposo archivio degli scritti offerto dal sito. In questa pagina vorremmo presentarvi la nostra intensa attività di documentazione ... Risorse da Fondazione Bassetti. Parte 2. Podcast, Video e Fotografie

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