Gli artigiani incontrano i makers

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti Camera di Commercio Monza E Brianza Confartigianato presentano: Gli artigiani incontrano i makers Villa Reale di Monza, Teatro di Corte 13 dicembre 2013 14.30 – 19.00 Pochi mesi fa portavamo in Silicon Valley Making in Italy, Making in USA. Artisanship, Technology and Design: Innovating with Beauty, una settimana di eventi per ribadire ... Gli artigiani incontrano i makers

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Osservatorio Altagamma 2013, Piero Bassetti su Milano creativa

Il 28 ottobre 2013, a Palazzo Mezzanotte, l’Osservatorio Altagamma ha ospitato una tavola rotonda sul tema Il Rilancio di Milano. Piero Bassetti è intervenuto insieme a Mario Boselli (Presidente di Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana), Andrea Illy (Presidente di Fondazione Altagamma), Claudio Luti (Presidente di COSMIT) e Cristina Tajani (Assessore alle Politiche per il lavoro, ... Osservatorio Altagamma 2013, Piero Bassetti su Milano creativa

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Reti di stampanti 3D

Ieri (13 ottobre 2013) è stata presentata la rete milanese del progetto olandese 3D Hubs (ora, 2021, Hubs Protolabs Company n.d.r.), una piattaforma online che collega chi possiede una stampante 3D con chi ha bisogno di stampare in 3D in poco tempo e vicino a casa. Il fenomeno dei Makers di cui molto si è ... Reti di stampanti 3D

Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Responsible Innovation Links the Future to the Present

The new edition of Research Fortnight carries an article on open access by Jack Stilgoe entitled “Responsible innovation links the future to the present”. In this short piece Stilgoe argues that “The effects of science are unpredictable, unevenly spread and increasingly disruptive. We need to do more to shape technologies before they are fully formed”. ... Responsible Innovation Links the Future to the Present

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San Franciso, Innovating With Beauty: il progetto di un nuovo Rinascimento

22 giugno 2013, San Francisco Symposium. Cannery, a due passi dai moli, un paio di piani sopra la mostra della Triennale The New Italian Design. Sala piena di almeno 200 persone: studenti, ricercatori, imprenditori e appassionati dell’Italia accoglie una vivace discussione, introdotta da Dale Dougherty e guidata da Piero Bassetti, Chris Anderson e Stefano Micelli, ... San Franciso, Innovating With Beauty: il progetto di un nuovo Rinascimento

Giovanni Lanzone

From Made In Italy to Make In Italy

To bring a close to our Innovating with Beauty tour we met in the Cannery, San Francisco, to discuss what has been termed ‘the octagon of artisanal values’ and in doing so to present the businesses that have accompanied us and been a part of our delegation for the past few days. Each one of ... From Made In Italy to Make In Italy

Francesco Bassetti

Design Will Own The Future at The Singularity University

Today our distinguished delegation was honored in visiting the Singularity University. This is the temple of innovation innovation! Located in the Nasa Research Center in the heart of the Silicon Valley and a stones throw from the likes of Google Headquarters, it is the perfect place to wrap up a series of events that have ... Design Will Own The Future at The Singularity University

Francesco Bassetti

From Taylorism to Tailor Made

The high point of todays eventful day was without a shadow of a doubt the exceptional conference at the symposium. The symposium, boasting a splendid view of the Golden Gate, Alcatraz and San Francisco Bay in general, was the perfect canvas on which to paint the picture of Innovating with Beauty. The conference got off ... From Taylorism to Tailor Made

Francesco Bassetti

Breakfast at the Italian Consulate

Following the success of San Francisco Design weeks inaugural party, held at the inspiring Autodesk Gallery, the first day of the program had a lot to live up to. Yet our weekend of exciting events got of to the perfect start with a strong article in todays Corriere della Sera that speeks of our initiative ... Breakfast at the Italian Consulate

Francesco Bassetti

The New Italian Design at The Academy of Arts

The Triennale exhibit entitled ‘The New Italian Design’ and held at the Academy of Arts, the biggest and most important Design school in the US was a great success. Before opening the exhibit to our delegation a few speeches were made to thank organizers, producers and everyone present. The message was to raise awareness about ... The New Italian Design at The Academy of Arts

Francesco Bassetti

Innovating with Beauty. Videos

If you missed something “Innovation With Beauty” in San Francisco, you can watch videos that gradually we will put online. INDEX: 1a. Tuesday June 11, 2013. Innovating With Beauty presentation – part 1 (view in Vimeo Account) – Paolo Barlera – Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco – Mauro Battocchi – Italy’s Consul General in ... Innovating with Beauty. Videos

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Innovare con Bellezza: un modo per rilanciare la manifattura italiana

DESIGN E INNOVAZIONE TECNOLOGICA: MAI SIAMO STATI COSÌ VICINI ALL’USCITA DALL’EMPASSE DELLA DISOCCUPAZIONE GIOVANILE. Old economy a chi? È proprio il caso di dirlo perché, dopo aver tessuto le lodi della tecnologia, oggi, a livello globale, si sta ripensando il ruolo della manifattura, del saper fare artigiano e del produrre. «Ripensare» che non significa «riproporre», ... Innovare con Bellezza: un modo per rilanciare la manifattura italiana

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