Go Ask Your Father about DNA

Imagine the scene, you grow up in a seemingly normal working class family but you always have the feeling that you are an outsider within that family, then just before ... Go Ask Your Father about DNA

Green Travel Using Compressed Air

This month a lecturer and students at The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology unveiled a prototype of a motorbike powered solely by compressed air. The project was created by lecturer ... Green Travel Using Compressed Air

Salvatore Veca, Etica e verità – Saggi (ingannevolmente) brevi

I cinque scritti di Veca, raccolti a ricordo di Guido Venosta e a commento di un suo breve saggio, Dal profit al non profit, affrontano con dovizia di richiami e ... Salvatore Veca, Etica e verità – Saggi (ingannevolmente) brevi

Gerolamo Gaslini, Rockefeller d’Italia

Il caso di Gerolamo Gaslini spinge a porre questioni e domande, più che mai attuali, attorno ai delicati rapporti tra etica e affari, politica e impresa, fede e laicità, Chiesa ... Gerolamo Gaslini, Rockefeller d’Italia

That was the year that was – Cosa è stato nell’anno che è stato

Il 2009 è stato un anno molto impegnativo per la Fondazione. Il seguente articolo mira a dare al lettore una panoramica del lavoro della Fondazione con particolare attenzione alla sua ... That was the year that was – Cosa è stato nell’anno che è stato

That was the year that was

2009 was a busy year for the foundation. The following review aims at giving the reader an overview of the foundation’s work by looking at its involvement in conferences, seminars, ... That was the year that was

Una breve recensione: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

L’inizio di quest’anno ha visto la messa on line di una nuova pubblicazione della Fondazione Bassetti intitolata Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility e scritta da Jeff Ubois con la ... Una breve recensione: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

A short review: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

Last week we put online a new publication of the Foundation Bassetti entitled “Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility”, written by Jeff Ubois and available in hard copy, downloadable pdf ... A short review: Conversations On Innovation, Power And Responsibility

New Publication from FGB: Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

The Fondazione Giannino Bassetti’s new publication, Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility highlights approaches to responsibility in innovation taken by leading practitioners in disruptive fields. Our intent is to highlight ... New Publication from FGB: Conversations on Innovation, Power and Responsibility

Innovation may produce unexpected side effects

The latest edition of the economics journal “Project M” features an interview with Foundation President Piero Bassetti. The interview addresses the issues that are closest to The President’s heart: how ... Innovation may produce unexpected side effects

Home DNA Testing for all the Family

On 17th November 2009 home DNA testing kits went on over the counter sale for the first time in high street chemists in the UK. These kits allow the DNA ... Home DNA Testing for all the Family

Teaching ethics in an age of crisis

(leggi in italiano) 30 November 2009 Quarta conferenza nazionale di Econometica: From the global financial crisis to a new social contract for the firm: from the shareholder value to the ... Teaching ethics in an age of crisis