Notes from the SIENNA Project Final Conference

In the following notes I would like to offer my personal thoughts on the conference experience. The final conference from the SIENNA Project was held online, between 10 – 12 ... Notes from the SIENNA Project Final Conference

Bitcoin: decentralizzazione concentrata

Cosa accade quando l’enorme potenza di calcolo necessaria a produrre criptomonete (Bitcoin) si concentra in pochi gruppi? In questo articolo Alessandro Scoscia ci spiega che la criptomoneta è una risorsa ... Bitcoin: decentralizzazione concentrata

Per soli uomini. L’ingiustizia dei dati dalla ricerca scientifica al design.

Le donne hanno il 75 per cento di probabilità in più di soffrire per gli effetti collaterali di un medicinale e il 17 per cento in più di morire in ... Per soli uomini. L’ingiustizia dei dati dalla ricerca scientifica al design.

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 2

(This is the second part of the review of vol 7, issue 3. Here the first.) This mammoth issue of the Journal continues with Civic ethics as a normative framework ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 2

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 1

December 2020 saw the release of Issue 3 of Volume 7 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. It was a bumper issue, with 25 articles and perspectives, a celebration of ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 7, Issue 3 reviewed – Part 1

Ai tempi del vaccino

Si è tenuto online lo scorso 28 gennaio 2021 il secondo dialogo FGB dedicato al tema dei vaccini, dal titolo “Ai tempi del vaccino. Dialogo su responsabilità e comunicazione”. Il ... Ai tempi del vaccino

Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology

On 25 January 2021, I attended Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology. This was an online event hosted by the Carbon Recycling Network, the Nottingham BBSRC/EPSRC Synthetic Biology Research ... Responsible Innovation: Industrial Biotechnology and Engineering Biology

TRANSFORM for a more open, inclusive and democratic territory.

Through TRANSFORM, three regional governments (Lombardy, Catalonia and Brussels-Capital) are working alongside other project partners on experimental approaches to involve citizens in local government policy-making on research and innovation (R&I), ... TRANSFORM for a more open, inclusive and democratic territory.

Looking Back on 2020

2020 was a busy and exciting year for the Bassetti Foundation. In this post we look back at what can only be described as an eventful 12 months, not only ... Looking Back on 2020

Orion Open Science Train the Trainer Course: Some Thoughts on the Experience

Between 19 October and 4 November 2020, I attended the ORION Train the Trainer MOOC, previously publicized here on the website. The course was a follow-on from a previous ORION ... Orion Open Science Train the Trainer Course: Some Thoughts on the Experience

Dialogare con la società per una transizione energetica giusta: il progetto FETA

Coinvolgere 1000 cittadini e 200 esperti da tutta Europa per contribuire a disegnare politiche nazionali ed europee che garantiscano una transizione energetica giusta, equa e inclusiva. È questo l’obiettivo di ... Dialogare con la società per una transizione energetica giusta: il progetto FETA

Vaccini COVID-19, quali scelte?

Un dialogo tra etica e innovazione responsabile. Il 15 dicembre 2020, Fondazione Bassetti ha ospitato su piattaforma Zoom un dialogo, promosso da Andrea Lavazza e Pietro Perconti, dedicato al tema ... Vaccini COVID-19, quali scelte?