rivoluzioni.ai un portale per una responsabilità nell’intelligenza artificiale

Il 19 febbraio, nella sede di Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, abbiamo presentato Rivoluzioni.ai, un nuovo portale dedicato alle innovazioni indotte dall’intelligenza artificiale che si propone di essere un punto di riferimento per chi intende adottare un approccio sostenibile e responsabile. Presenti i fondatori Claudio Vergini e Federico de Ambrosis, il segretario generale di Fondazione Bassetti Francesco ... rivoluzioni.ai un portale per una responsabilità nell’intelligenza artificiale

Manuela Mimosa Ravasio
Redazione FGB

Place Based Circular Society Innovations

In October of 2024, I was invited to join the Advisory Board and attend the  launch of the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded project Place-based circular society innovations (CSI) in Manchester, UK. I was excited to join, not only because long term friend of the Bassetti Foundation Sally Randles is part of ... Place Based Circular Society Innovations

Jonathan Hankins

Follow the Food: Gouda Cheese

Follow the Food’s fourth and final seminar took place on January 22nd bringing us full circle and back to cheese, as Martijn Huysmans (Utrecht School of Economics) presented the case of Gouda to an audience from a diverse array of fields, including social impact, political ecology, geography, and responsible innovation. Huysmans began by highlighting the ... Follow the Food: Gouda Cheese

Nina Litsios

Looking Back on 2024

IN MEMORY OF ANDREINA BASSETTI Through her profound civic spirit, Andreina Rocca Bassetti gained esteem and affection from all of those who had the pleasure to meet her. The work of the Bassetti Foundation (which she co-founded with her brother Piero Bassetti) is both a reflection and result of her dedication, and we endeavor to ... Looking Back on 2024

Redazione FGB

Opportunities in digital transformation, organizing and STS at the IT University of Copenhagen

IT University of Copenhagen invite applicants who can contribute to strengthening the IT University’s research and teaching in how digital technologies affect organising and organisational transformations, for instance how AI or new data management practices engender changes in public institutions, NGOs or private companies. The candidates need to have a background in qualitative humanities or social ... Opportunities in digital transformation, organizing and STS at the IT University of Copenhagen

Redazione FGB

Comunicazione artificiale. Quando il dialogo è con un algoritmo – intervista a Elena Esposito

Allieva di Umberto Eco e Niklas Luhmann, Elena Esposito, protagonista di questa intervista per i Dialoghi su responsabilità e intelligenza artificiale, è professore ordinario di Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi presso le Università di Bielefeld (Germania) e Bologna. Con il suo Comunicazione Artificiale. Come gli algoritmi producono intelligenza sociale edito da Egea (in versione ... Comunicazione artificiale. Quando il dialogo è con un algoritmo – intervista a Elena Esposito

Manuela Mimosa Ravasio

Follow the Food: The Power of Place – Apricots between Heritage and the Market in Central Asia

Future Food presents: Follow the Food 2nd Seminar: The Power of Place – Apricots between Heritage and the Market in Central Asia On Monday, November 18th, environmental historian Flora Roberts and rural sociologist Irna Hofman explored the topic of apricots in Tajikistan during the second Follow the Food seminar. The seminar, hosted by Future Food ... Follow the Food: The Power of Place – Apricots between Heritage and the Market in Central Asia

Nina Litsios

Circular Economy for Social Transformation: Multiple Paths to Achieve Circularity – a book review

The e-book Circular Economy for Social Transformation: Multiple Paths to Achieve Circularity is one of the outcomes of A Just Transition to the Circular Economy (JUST2CE). This European Union Horizon 2020 funded project concluded this summer (2024), its aim being to understand the implications of the transition to a circular economy on the environment, economy ... Circular Economy for Social Transformation: Multiple Paths to Achieve Circularity – a book review

Jonathan Hankins

Future Food: Cristina Grasseni Kicks Off the Follow the Food Seminar Series

Thanks to an Incubator grant, Utrecht University (NL) is hosting the Follow the Food seminar series. The project is led by Martijn Huysmans (Utrecht School of Economics) and aims to trace the workings of the global food system by following several products with a so-called Geographical Indication (GI). In Follow the Cheese, the first of ... Future Food: Cristina Grasseni Kicks Off the Follow the Food Seminar Series

Nina Litsios

Mercati concreti di prodotti immateriali: Metaverse Plan from Outer Space.

Le piattaforme non riflettono il sociale: producono le strutture sociali in cui viviamo. José van Dijck, Thomas Poell, Martijn de Waal, The Platform Society, Oxford University Press, 2018 La “tecnologia delle comunicazioni” è la chiave del processo economico e politico, in quanto determina le coordinate spazio-temporali della società: le forme di organizzazione, la distribuzione del ... Mercati concreti di prodotti immateriali: Metaverse Plan from Outer Space.

Stefano Lazzari

Lavoro, comunità, futuro: Politiké

All’avvio Politiké, la Scuola Politica di Confcooperative Lombardia che si rinnova in una terza edizione, dopo quella del 2019-20 e del 2021-22. L’idea di una Scuola Politica a carattere regionale nasce nel 2018 nell’ambito del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Irecoop Lombardia in forte condivisione con la Presidenza Regionale, con il Tavolo dei Direttori Regionali e ... Lavoro, comunità, futuro: Politiké

Redazione FGB

Responsible Innovation Networks and Local Food Provisioning

On 14 May 2024 I had the pleasure of showing Tiago Sá Gomes and Bárbara Arita from the Lisbon-based NGO Upfarming, and Jean-marc Louvin of ICLEI around the Utrecht city garden Food For Good. Upfarming promotes food literacy, community development, participatory ecology and well-being in cities through implementing holistic urban agriculture projects. Their approach combines ... Responsible Innovation Networks and Local Food Provisioning

Jonathan Hankins