13th WICaNeM conference 2018 on Chain and Network Management, Call for papers

Call for papers for the 13th WICaNeM conference 2018 on Chain and Network Management in Ancona, Italy | July 2 – 4, 2018 Special Track on Responsible Innovation in Chains and Networks Deadline for Abstracts 25-01-18 Given the importance of the emerging field of responsible innovation in the chains and networks, this call for papers ... 13th WICaNeM conference 2018 on Chain and Network Management, Call for papers

Redazione FGB

Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

On December 14th 2017 René von Schomberg visited the Foundation for a dialogue entitled Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation. —————————- PODCAST Also in the apps:                ————————————————— Von Schomberg opened the dialogue by asking the question of which were the right impacts that innovation should work towards and how could we agree on this. In ... Open Scholarship and Responsible Innovation, dialogue with René von Schomberg.

Redazione FGB

Open scholarship and responsible innovation. A meeting with René von Schomberg.

Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a research and innovation agenda for transformational change. A meeting with RENÉ VON SCHOMBERG, DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission (speaking in personal capacity). 14 December 2017, at 6PM via Michele Barozzi, 4 – Milano Philosopher and expert in STS (science and technologies studies), René von Schomberg has ... Open scholarship and responsible innovation. A meeting with René von Schomberg.

Redazione FGB

Innovazione responsabile e formazione. L’incontro con René von Schomberg

Open scholarship and responsible innovation: a research and innovation agenda for transformational change. Un incontro con RENÉ VON SCHOMBERG, DG Research and Innovation della Commissione Europea (speaking in personal capacity). 14 dicembre 2017, ore 18.00 via Michele Barozzi, 4 – Milano Filosofo e studioso nel campo degli STS (science and technologies studies), René von Schomberg ... Innovazione responsabile e formazione. L’incontro con René von Schomberg

Redazione FGB

IoT: Internet è entrato nelle ‘cose’

Quello dell’Internet of Things è probabilmente lo scenario dell’Era Digitale più vasto e più direttamente implicato nella vita delle persone. La formula “internet delle cose” indica il fatto, ormai conclamato, che la connessione alla Rete non riguarda più esclusivamente computer e telefonini – dispositivi per lo scambio di comunicazioni che avviene in modo più o ... IoT: Internet è entrato nelle ‘cose’

Alessandro Scoscia

Celebrating SEEG, Manchester Metropolitan University

On 25 October 2017 Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) held the relaunch of SEEG, its Sustainable and Ethical Enterprise Group, hosted by its Business School. SEEG is a hub of expertise in sustainability and innovation, aiming at promoting cross disciplinary collaboration within a broad sustainability agenda while building and supporting a community of like-minded individuals and ... Celebrating SEEG, Manchester Metropolitan University

Jonathan Hankins

The HydroZONES Symposium

In May of this year the Foundation was privileged to host Professor Jos Malda. Malda delivered a lecture and participated in a dialogue on the use of 3D printing technologies in biomedicine, video and further details of which can be found here. On 15 November Malda and his colleagues will host the HydroZONES Symposium at ... The HydroZONES Symposium

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Nexus: un workshop tra Corpo e Macchina

Nella due giorni, addetti ai lavori, studenti e semplici curiosi potranno entrare in contatto con le nuove tecnologie trans-umane. Il programma prevede spazi espositivi, workshop, dimostrazioni, tavole rotonde, proiezioni e presentazioni. Fondazione Giannino Bassetti interverrà nella tavola rotonda dal titolo “Superpoteri: i nuovi limiti del corpo umano” alle ore 17 di sabato 4 novembre 2017 ... Nexus: un workshop tra Corpo e Macchina

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Promesse e responsabilità della Precision Medicine. L’incontro con Francesco Lescai.

Lo scorso 3 luglio 2017, Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha avuto il piacere di ospitare l’incontro “Promesse e responsabilità della Precision Medicine”, un dialogo con Francesco Lescai, Professore di Genomica e Bioinformatica presso l’Università di Aahrus e coordinatore del progetto SMART-map, a cui ha fatto seguito l’intervento di Paola Larghi, Responsabile dell’Ufficio Scientifico della Fondazione Regionale ... Promesse e responsabilità della Precision Medicine. L’incontro con Francesco Lescai.

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3D Printing, an overview. A dialogue with Jos Malda.

The Bassetti Foundation is pleased to publish video of the lecture held by Professor Jos Malda at the Bassetti Foundation in May 2017. Malda presented his work at the University of Utrecht in biofabrication using 3D printing technology, addressing many issues surrounding biofabrication and design, describing the current situation in the field and the challenges ... 3D Printing, an overview. A dialogue with Jos Malda.

Redazione FGB

Bio-based Economy from a Responsible Innovation Perspective

On Friday 9 September 2017, Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins delivered a lecture at the Milan Bicocca University. The Lecture formed part of the program of the Towards a Bio-based Economy: Science, Innovation, Economics, Education Summer School, jointly hosted by Milan’s Bicocca and Gothenburg’s Chalmers universities. The five day summer school featured interventions from ... Bio-based Economy from a Responsible Innovation Perspective

Redazione FGB

Health apps tra medicina e lifestyle – 4/4

Event: Health apps tra medicina e lifestyle: un dialogo con Federica Lucivero. Title: Tecnologie ibride e difficoltà di governance. Date: 2017 09 13 Time: 27:54 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 4/4 url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/250860616 Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: la singola parte 4 di 4, la versione integrale e la playlist ... Health apps tra medicina e lifestyle – 4/4

Federica Lucivero