Viaggi nell’innovazione – 2/4

Event: I Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti. Title: Viaggi nell’innovazione. Date: 2019 10 24 Time: 20:50 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 2/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: in Anchor FM episodio, versione integrale. Playlist in Spotify. Post: Viaggi nell’innovazione con i Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti.. Contents: Interviene Fiorenzo Galli, ... Viaggi nell’innovazione – 2/4

Fiorenzo Galli

Viaggi nell’innovazione – 1/4

Event: I Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti. Title: Viaggi nell’innovazione. Date: 2019 10 24 Time: 21:42 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 1/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Podcast: in Anchor FM episodio, versione integrale. Playlist in Spotify. Post: Viaggi nell’innovazione con i Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti.. Contents: Introducono Piero Bassetti, ... Viaggi nell’innovazione – 1/4

Francesco Samorè
Piero Bassetti
Roberto Panzarani

Viaggi nell’innovazione per i Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti

Viaggio nell’innovazione di Roberto Panzarani, edito da Guerini, è lo spunto per ascoltare, nella cornice dei Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti, quattro racconti emblematici, frutto dell’esperienza di altrettanti viaggiatori d’eccezione: l’autore si confronterà con Piero Bassetti, Lucia Dal Negro (De-LAB, esperta di business inclusivo e innovazione frugale nei paesi in via di sviluppo) e Fiorenzo Galli ... Viaggi nell’innovazione per i Dialoghi di Fondazione Bassetti

Redazione FGB

Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Brussels

The third Challenges for Responsible Innovation event was held in Brussels on 3 October in the DG Research and Innovation RTD library. The event opened with an introduction from Rene von Schomberg in which he outlined the six deficits of Responsible Innovation described in his opening chapter of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, describing ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Brussels

Jonathan Hankins

Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab

Circular Design Lab by Stefano Maffei, Massimo Bianchini, Marco Gribaudo e Patrizia Bolzan is a course at School of Design of Politecnico di Milano. The Circular Design Lab research the topic of transition design for circular economy in order to identify socially conscious design challenges. The Lab stimulate students to investigate different societal, economic and ... Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab

Redazione FGB
Tommaso Correale Santacroce

Between Science & Society 2019 – Scienza e società verso il 2030

L’Italian Institute for the Future promuove il primo convegno internazionale “Between Science & Society” a Napoli, presso il Complesso di San Domenico Maggiore giovedì 10 e venerdì 11 ottobre 2019. Dal sito dell’istituto: “Il 2030 è l’orizzonte degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile delle Nazioni Unite, l’ambizioso programma per affrontare e risolvere le grandi sfide dell’umanità ... Between Science & Society 2019 – Scienza e società verso il 2030

Angela Simone
Redazione FGB

Giuseppe Testa direttore del centro di neuro-genomica di Human Technopole.

Il progetto di Human Technopole è ambizioso e grande. Dal punto di vista della nostra Fondazione, pieno di sfide per un’innovazione assunta responsabilmente. Siamo quindi contenti della nomina di Giuseppe Testa alla direzione del centro di neuro-genomica del Tecnopolo. Il professor Testa è infatti tra le personalità che in questi anni abbiamo più seguito e ... Giuseppe Testa direttore del centro di neuro-genomica di Human Technopole.

Redazione FGB

The Future Of Positive Packaging. Call for Application.

Call for Applications: Part of the Positive Packaging Program by Perrier, SoScience launches in September the sixth edition of The Future Of: more info here 30-50 experts and professionals of the theme from different organizations will be selected (social entrepreneurs, company, NGO, start-up, research laboratory, industrials, investor…) in order to tackle this question: How to ... The Future Of Positive Packaging. Call for Application.

Redazione FGB

Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab. – 2/2

Event: Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab. Title: Responsibility driven design for the future self-driving society. Date: 2019 09 27 Time: 25:34 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Candiani Bovisa, Milano. Language: English. Part: 2/2 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Design for the future self-driving society at Circular ... Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab. – 2/2

Fabio Besti

Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab. – 1/2

Event: Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab. Title: Responsibility driven design for the future self-driving society. Date: 2019 09 27 Time: 27:23 min. Place: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Candiani Bovisa, Milano. Language: English. Part: 1/2 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Design for the future self-driving society at Circular ... Design for the future self-driving society at Circular Design Lab. – 1/2

Fabio Besti

Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Summary of First Events.

The following summary presents a series of bullet points based upon notes taken at the first two Challenges for Responsible Innovation meetings held in Leiden (NL) and London UCL (UK). Both events opened with an introduction from Rene von Schomberg followed by panel member presentations and an open session of questions and points from the ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Summary of First Events.

Redazione FGB

Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Leiden Review

The first in the series of events aimed at addressing challenges for responsible innovation (RI) and coinciding with the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation was held on Thursday 12 September in Leiden University (NL). The event was extremely well attended with more than 50 people squeezed into the audience and an extensive ... Challenges for Responsible Innovation: Leiden Review

Jonathan Hankins