ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences 2.0

Over recent weeks I have completed the ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences. The course was designed to run over six weeks, offering six modules, each of which takes about two hours to complete but as it is all online it can be completed an just a few days. It is also ... ORION MOOC for Open Science in the Life Sciences 2.0

Jonathan Hankins

Welfare e sanità del territorio lombardo: Call for Data fino al 31 agosto.

Online fino al 31 agosto la Call For Data per identificare i bisogni di welfare e sanità del territorio lombardo. Lanciata ufficialmente lo scorso 21 luglio, la Call for Data “Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs” rimarrà aperta fino al prossimo 31 agosto alle ore 12. La Call consiste in un survey destinato a raccogliere i ... Welfare e sanità del territorio lombardo: Call for Data fino al 31 agosto.

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Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs Webinar and Call for data

Durante il webinar “Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs Webinar”, che si svolgerà il 21 luglio 2020, ore 11.00 via piattaforma Zoom, l’iniziativa Get it! Twice si presenterà agli stakeholder dei mondi welfare e healthcare del territorio lombardo per lanciare una CALL FOR DATA che servirà a raccogliere informazioni ed elementi utili per delineare gli unmet ... Welfare and Healthcare Unmet Needs Webinar and Call for data

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Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

In order to celebrate the release of his book Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach (you can find it here), Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins is running a ten-part series on the technologybloggers website in which he offers an outline of each chapter alongside posts offering further analysis of topics addressed. The series started in June with ... Responsible Innovation, A Narrative Approach: Serialized in Blog Form

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Call For Interest at Politecnico di Milano

The School of Management of the Milan Polytechnic invites expressions of interest for one Post-doc position in the area of Sociology of Science & Technology. The position is for one Full-time Postdoc for 1 year, renewable for 2 additional years. Tenure track opportunities are envisaged afterwards. The Postdoc will conduct research full-time at the intersection ... Call For Interest at Politecnico di Milano

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Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach di Jonathan Hankins, è stato pubblicato grazie alla Scuola di Dottorato dell’Università di Bergamo. Il libro si basa sulla tesi di dottorato di Hankins, dedicata alla “Innovazione Poiesis Intensive”, uno dei grandi filoni esplorati dalla Fondazione Bassetti. Hankins utilizza casi studio per evidenziare come coloro che seguono un approccio artigianale ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, di Jonathan Hankins

Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

The latest Responsible Innovation publication, Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach by Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins has just been published through the Doctorate School of Bergamo University. The book is based on Hankins’ PhD thesis of the same name, in which he investigates one of the Bassetti Foundation approaches to thinking about responsibility in ... Responsible Innovation, a Narrative Approach, by Jonathan Hankins

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Get it! Twice, Call for Solution

Sei un ricercatore, uno studente o un professore? Hai una soluzione innovativa nelle aree telehealth & home caring con focus su: comunicazione medico-paziente a distanza, supporto all’assistenza domiciliare integrata per anziani non autosufficienti e riabilitazione fisica e cognitiva per bambini e adulti a distanza? Allora candidati ENTRO 30 giugno 2020 a Get It! Twice. La ... Get it! Twice, Call for Solution

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Get it! Twice, dual call per innovare sistemi di welfare e sanità

Get it! Twice, è una dual call per innovare i sistemi di welfare e sanità lombardi. Il programma accoglie per la prima volta in Italia una prassi diffusa a livello europeo, per sostenere lo sviluppo congiunto della ricerca e di nuove forme di imprenditoria orientate al soddisfacimento di bisogni sociali specifici. È partito ufficialmente l’8 ... Get it! Twice, dual call per innovare sistemi di welfare e sanità

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Flash Recommendations on COVID-19 Emergency

Traduzione di Anna Pellizzone e Angela Simone del testo inglese Introducing Regional Forum’s “Flash Recommendations for COVID-19 emergency (di Angela Simone, Douglas Robinson, Federica Lucivero, Agnes Allansdottir, Mario Calderini, Denise Di Dio, David Guston, Francesco Lescai, Ralf Lindner, Marzia Mazzonetto, Guido Romeo). Alla fine di febbraio, la Lombardia è stata la prima regione in Europa ... Flash Recommendations on COVID-19 Emergency

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Human Brain Project (HBP) – PhD Scholarship

A PhD opportunity is available with the EU Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship Human Brain Project (HBP), based at De Montfort University’s Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility (CCSR). The successful applicant will undertake research under the supervision of the HBP DMU team, currently consisting of five Research Fellows and a Professor. They will investigate ... Human Brain Project (HBP) – PhD Scholarship

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Research for orientation and cooperation after the COVID-19 crisis, the Rococo initiative

An initiative has been launced at the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) within the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), with the aim of pooling efforts in technology assessment and related future-oriented fields of study in order to create resources of orientational knowledge for the world after the COVID-19 crisis. During a phase ... Research for orientation and cooperation after the COVID-19 crisis, the Rococo initiative

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