The European Business Ethics Network Conference

The German Network for Business Ethics (DNWE) recently organized the annual conference for its European Organisation: The European Business Ethics Network – EBEN. The conference took place in Berlin from the 12th to the 14th of June 2014, and was located in the ESTM European School of Management and Technology. The EBEN annual conference brought ... The European Business Ethics Network Conference

Alessandro Blasimme
Virginia Sanchini

CONSIDER Workshop, Civil Society Organisations in Designing Research Governance

CONSIDER, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in Designing Research Governance, is an EU FP7 research project that aims to establish a model of CSO participation in research, based on conceptually sound and empirically rich research of best practices. CONSIDER state that they are keen to understand the perspectives of those with experience of working in research ... CONSIDER Workshop, Civil Society Organisations in Designing Research Governance

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Responsible Innovation: Values and Valorisation Conference

On May 21 – 22, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) hosted the Third International Conference on Responsible Innovation in The Hague, The Netherlands. The conference brought together researchers from various academic disciplines, as well as representatives from both public and private sector to discuss the merits, practices and necessity of responsible innovation for ... Responsible Innovation: Values and Valorisation Conference

Jonathan Hankins

Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti and STS@IEO presents Institutional design to foster responsible innovation Special panel June 12, 2014 – 17.00-18.00 Politecnico di Milano Via Durando 10 (room Castiglioni), Milano Programme: 1. Introduction. Responsible innovation and the European Union Piero Bassetti Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Director 2. From scales of life to scales of governance. And back. Giuseppe ... Institutional design to foster responsible innovation

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Prof. Claus Offe at Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative

On May 14th Jonathan Hankins will attend a colloquium at the Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative (SCORAI) in Boston Massachusetts on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. The SCORAI Colloquium on Consumption and Social Change is a regular gathering of academics and policy professionals concerned with social change. It aims to build a knowledge base ... Prof. Claus Offe at Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative

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Bassetti Foundation at the Responsible Innovation 2014 Conference

The conference runs through the 21st and 22nd of May and is titled “Responsible Innovation: Values and Valorisation”, and will be one of the largest conferences on responsible innovation this year. Readers will know several of the Keynote Speakers from previous posts. Jeroen Van den Hoven has a chapter in Owen, Bessant and Heintz’s book ... Bassetti Foundation at the Responsible Innovation 2014 Conference

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins
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A Review of the INSS meeting

As many readers will know, last weekend I attended the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina. I was fortunate enough to have been selected to present a poster as part of the Saturday afternoon poster session. The poster can be seen here via the Bassetti Foundation Flikr account, alongside many ... A Review of the INSS meeting

Jonathan Hankins

Bassetti Foundation at the INSS International Meeting

The Second Annual Meeting of the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability takes place in Charlotte North Carolina between the 4th and 6th of April, and Jonathan Hankins will be there to represent the Bassetti Foundation and present during the poster session. Prepared together with long term Foundation Collaborator Cristina Grasseni, Hankins will present a poster ... Bassetti Foundation at the INSS International Meeting

Cristina Grasseni
Jonathan Hankins
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A review of the Journal of Responsible Innovation

In this post I would like to take a look at the first issue of the new Journal of Responsible Innovation. As readers may know the journal is edited by David Guston and published through Taylor and Francis, who have generously made the first edition open access. All of the following articles are free to ... A review of the Journal of Responsible Innovation

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation Launch Party

On Saturday 15th February the Bassetti Foundation were proud to attend and co-sponsor the launch party for the new Journal of Responsible Innovation. The launch took place at the Crystal Ballroom, Fairmont Chicago during the AAAS 2014 Annual Meeting, and Ottavia Bassetti, Jeff Ubois and Jonathan Hankins were in attendance on behalf of the Bassetti ... Journal of Responsible Innovation Launch Party

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AAAS Meeting and Journal for Responsible Innovation Launch

The American Association for the Advancement of Science is holding its annual meeting in Chicago from 13th to 17th February, and Jonathan Hankins, Ottavia Bassetti and Jeff Ubois will represent the Bassetti Foundation. The American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science for the benefit of ... AAAS Meeting and Journal for Responsible Innovation Launch

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Integrated Network for Social Sustainability

Jonathan Hankins is pleased to have received and accepted the offer to participate in the National Science Foundation funded Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) as a representative of the Bassetti Foundation. The overall goal of the network is to produce a clearer, more applicable definition of social sustainability, and to create opportunities for engaging ... Integrated Network for Social Sustainability

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