RRI: Innovazione come processo creativo. Workshop a #LombardiaèRicerca

Giovedì 6 aprile 2017 appuntamento con “Lombardia è ricerca e innovazione” in sala “Marco Biagi” di Palazzo Lombardia: gli attori del sistema economico e sociale si confrontano per costruire il Programma Strategico Triennale per la ricerca, l’innovazione e il trasferimento tecnologico in Lombardia. All’apertura dei lavori parlerà Carlo Ratti (Direttore Senseable City Lab MIT) con ... RRI: Innovazione come processo creativo. Workshop a #LombardiaèRicerca

Francesco Samorè
Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 3, Issue 3 Reviewed

Late December 2016 saw the publication of the third and final issue of Volume 3 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. A review of issue 1 is available here, and issue 2 is reviewed here. In this post we offer an overview of issue 3. The issue opens with an editorial from Editor in Chief ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 3, Issue 3 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Glocalismo tra presente e futuro

Event: Lectio Magistralis di Piero Bassetti, Dies academicus, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia. title: Glocalismo tra presente e futuro Date: 2017 03 14 Time: 32 min. Place: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Brescia. Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/311695573 Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Glocalismo tra presente e futuro.. Contents: Lectio Magistralis di Piero Bassetti, ... Glocalismo tra presente e futuro

Piero Bassetti

Regione Lombardia e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Con la legge “Lombardia è Ricerca e innovazione” la Regione introduce – fin dall’articolo 1 – la Responsabilità nell’innovazione. Ne abbiamo parlato il primo marzo, durante la visita in Fondazione del presidente Roberto Maroni e dell’assessore Luca Del Gobbo. Temi ormai “emersi” ma ancora difficili da maneggiare per cittadini e istituzioni – come la società ... Regione Lombardia e Fondazione Giannino Bassetti

Redazione FGB

Pensare / agire la responsabilità nell’innovazione

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti è nata per diffondere la consapevolezza che l’impatto dell’innovazione sulla storia chiama in causa la categoria di responsabilità. Oggi che l’opinione pubblica si pone il tema con sempre maggiore urgenza (basta sfogliare i giornali delle ultime settimane per accorgersene: dal cuore stampato in 3D per i trapianti, al “manifesto” di Zuckerberg, alla ... Pensare / agire la responsabilità nell’innovazione

Giampaolo Azzoni

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 3, Issue 2 Reviewed

The second issue of Volume 3 of the Journal of Responsible innovation opens with an editorial from Erik Fisher. In Mission impossible? Developing Responsible Innovation in a Global Context, Fisher describes how the issue’s four research papers scrutinize the barriers to responsible innovation, while seeking to extend it into new empirical and theoretical domains. The ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Volume 3, Issue 2 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

SMART-map project

SMART-map (RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies) is a coordination and support action financed by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme. Bassetti Foundation is a key partner of the SMART-map consortium. SMART-map’s goal is to define and implement concrete roadmaps for the responsible development of industrial technologies and ... SMART-map project

Redazione FGB

Looking Back on 2016

2016 was a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation (FGB), involving our participation in projects and conferences and events across the world. In this editorial we cast a light upon some of the year’s major events. Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe and across the World January saw FGB participate in the Go4 Joint Final ... Looking Back on 2016

Redazione FGB

Turning the tide or surfing the wave?

We publish an excerpt from the paper by Simone Amaldi and Guido Gorgoni in which they explore the political and economic context in which the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation has gained attention and taken shape. — Turning the tide or surfing the wave? Responsible Research and Innovation, fundamental rights and neoliberal virtues. The ... Turning the tide or surfing the wave?

Guido Gorgoni
Simone Arnaldi

Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

On November, 14th, The Fondazione Bassetti had the honor to host Professor David Guston, Founding Director of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and Co-Director of the Institute for the Future of Innovation in Society Arizona State University. Professor Guston spoke on Synbio and he held a lecture titled “From Frankenstein to ... Game-changing innovations and responsibility. A dialogue with David Guston.

Angela Simone
Redazione FGB

David Guston in Bassetti Foundation

Six years on from his previous visit to Milan, the Bassetti Foundation is honoured to host Professor David Guston, Founder of the Centre for Nanotechnology in Society, and the Virtual Institute for Responsible Innovation (of which we are members alongside collaborating with him on the Journal of Responsible Innovation) and also the School for the ... David Guston in Bassetti Foundation

Redazione FGB

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 3, Issue 1 Reviewed

Earlier this summer saw the publication of the first issue of Volume 3 of the Journal of Responsible innovation. In this post we review the issue, the first to be published under new Editor In Chief Erik Fisher. In his first editorial in this position, Fisher describes how the journal has grown since its launch ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol 3, Issue 1 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins