International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

This, the third and final collection of abstracts from the forthcoming International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, contains Parts Four and Five: Regional Practices and Interviews. The regional Practices section offers perspectives from China, India, South East Europe, the USA and Kenya and South Africa. The section raises issues of the locally or regionally embedding of ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

Jonathan Hankins

International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

As regular readers will know, Mid July sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, A Global Resource, Edited by Rene von Schomberg and Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Hankins. In this short series related to the publication we offer readers the chance to access previously unpublished abstracts and keywords for each individual ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

Jonathan Hankins

PRISMA Industrial Roadmap

Thursday 27 June, 2019 saw the final meeting of the PRISMA project in Brussels, with Jonathan Hankins attending on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. Prisma is an almost completed European Union Horizon 2020 funded project whose aim was to develop a road mapping methodology for RRI in industry, based upon a series of freshly completed ... PRISMA Industrial Roadmap

Redazione FGB

Forum on Research and Innovation: first face to face meeting in Milan.

“Trust is the oxygen of sustainable business and governance, and without it not much is possible” noted a few weeks ago TIGTech’s director Conrad von Kameke commenting the great technological disruption and its impacts on society for the World Economic Forum. Among approaches gaining momentum in the restoration of public trust in governing innovation is ... Forum on Research and Innovation: first face to face meeting in Milan.

Redazione FGB

International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

July of 2019 sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and myself, Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook represents the largest collection so far put together in the field of Responsible Innovation, with 64 authors offering 36 chapters and interviews covering much of the globe and ... International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

Jonathan Hankins

Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol 6 issue 1 reviewed

March of 2019 saw the release of Issue 1 of Volume 6 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this review we present an overview of the publication. In his Editorial introduction: questioning inclusion in business, policy, and public values, Journal of Responsible Innovation Editor in Chief Erik Fisher describes how this issue ‘brings together ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol 6 issue 1 reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Job opportunity at Fraunhofer ISI

An opportunity at Fraunhofer ISI to work on system transformation. The candidate should have a PhD in social or political sciences (broadly defined) and an excellent knowledge base in socio-technical transition studies. The candidate should be eager to collaborate with ISI experts from a range of disciplines and across multiple fields (energy, mobility, water, health, ... Job opportunity at Fraunhofer ISI

Redazione FGB

I luoghi dell’innovazione

Scenari e politiche per le PMI e la manifattura. Il caso dell’ecosistema Lombardo. In sede della Fondazione Bassetti, il 21 maggio 2019, un appuntamento dedicato alla presentazione di uno studio sulle politiche per la manifattura nel territorio lombardo; un Policy Delphi frutto del lavoro del Politecnico di Milano, stimolato da Confartigianato imprese Varese, nato per ... I luoghi dell’innovazione

Redazione FGB

Globus et Locus premiata con il ‘Mondo d’oro 2019’

La Fondazione Geoknowledge ha conferito il premio “Mondo d’oro 2019” all’Associazione Globus et Locus con la motivazione: “Per le attività politico culturali svolte nel promuovere un futuro che ponga al centro l’individuo, la persona umana, il suo territorio e il suo patrimonio locale materiale e immateriale, con l’obiettivo di aiutare le classi dirigenti ad affrontare ... Globus et Locus premiata con il ‘Mondo d’oro 2019’

Redazione FGB

Potere Digitale. Fra ideali e realtà. – 4/4

Event: Potere Digitale. Fra Ideali e Realtà. Title: Dialogo con Gabriele Giacomini, autore di “Potere digitale. Come internet sta cambiando la sfera pubblica e la democrazia”. Date: 2019 05 07 Time: 33:53 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 4/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Potere digitale: fra ideali e ... Potere Digitale. Fra ideali e realtà. – 4/4


Potere Digitale. Fra ideali e realtà. – 3/4

Event: Potere Digitale. Fra Ideali e Realtà. Title: Dialogo con Gabriele Giacomini, autore di “Potere digitale. Come internet sta cambiando la sfera pubblica e la democrazia”. Date: 2019 05 07 Time: 30:56 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 3/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Potere digitale: fra ideali e ... Potere Digitale. Fra ideali e realtà. – 3/4

Gabriele Giacomini
Piero Bassetti

Potere Digitale. Fra ideali e realtà. – 2/4

Event: Potere Digitale. Fra Ideali e Realtà. Title: Dialogo con Gabriele Giacomini, autore di “Potere digitale. Come internet sta cambiando la sfera pubblica e la democrazia”. Date: 2019 05 07 Time: 26:24 min. Place: Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, Milano. Language: Italiano. Part: 2/4 url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Potere digitale: fra ideali e ... Potere Digitale. Fra ideali e realtà. – 2/4

Michele Loi