Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

For the first time, humanity in its entirety is having to face glocal problems: a pandemic virus, the ecological survival of the planet, life with artificial intelligence, how to deal with the infinite space of the big bang. The historical role of those who inhabit our Earth is changing, as she no longer unconditionally agrees ... Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

Piero Bassetti

Cinque domande aperte sul dopo-Covid 19

Per la prima volta il genere umano, nella sua interezza, fronteggia problemi glocali: un virus pandemico, la sopravvivenza ecologica della terra, convivere con l’intelligenza artificiale, rapportarsi allo spazio infinito del big bang. A cambiare è il ruolo storico di chi abita il pianeta perché esso oggi non si rassegna ad accoglierci: ci presenta il suo ... Cinque domande aperte sul dopo-Covid 19

Piero Bassetti

In dialogo con ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

The reason we don’t live in a dungeon is because people have joined together to change things Noam Chomsky I moderni insegnano che le tragedie non sono semplici cattive notizie. Non sono soltanto brutti eventi, fatti dolorosi. La tragedia lacera, squarcia. Allora è tale: quando si è di fronte a due valori che si ritengono ... In dialogo con ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

Gabriele Giacomini

In Response to ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

In his article ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK, Maurizio Bettiga proposes two opposing and contrasting (possible) policy justifications for the action taken to limit the spread of the Corona Virus across Europe: 1. fight the spread of the infection at all cost and prioritize every patient life over everything ... In Response to ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

Jonathan Hankins


On March 11th, 2020, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic. In its statement regarding this assessment, WHO has also clearly expressed its position regarding the fact that this is likely the very first pandemic that can be potentially controlled and, notwithstanding this, a number of countries in the World do ... ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK.

Maurizio Bettiga

RRI Special Feature in the Project Repository Journal

The Project Repository Journal (PRj) is the European Dissemination Media Agency (EDMA)’s flagship open access publication, dedicated to showcasing funded science and research throughout Europe. Projects that are funded either by the European Commission, through one of their current schemes such as with an ERC grant or via Horizon 2020, or which have received a ... RRI Special Feature in the Project Repository Journal

Redazione FGB

Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

TRANSFORM stands for Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies, through new Forms of Open and Responsible Decision-Making and is our second Horizon 2020 project. This time will commit us to leading a consortium of thirteen partners: TRANSFORM will engage us for 36 months, together with the institutions of Lombardy, Catalunya and ... Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

Redazione FGB

Intervista sulla storia

Piero Bassetti è stato protagonista del primo incontro del ciclo “Brava Gente” di Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Un’intervista sulla storia, dedicata al “Capitalismo”, svoltasi a Milano il 20 febbraio 2020 e condotta da Rosa Polacco di Radio 3. Rendiamo disponibile il testo che Piero Bassetti ha scritto in preparazione dell’evento, il podcast e le fotografie dell’incontro. ... Intervista sulla storia

Piero Bassetti

La svolta dei nostri anni Venti: innovare cooperando.

Event: Assemblea Territoriale di Confcooperative. “Costruttori di bene comune. Cooperare nel Territorio generando valore nelle Reti.” Title: La svolta dei nostri anni Venti: innovare cooperando. Date: 2020 02 21 Time: 20:51 min. Place: Auditorium di Sant’Antonio, Morbegno (SO). Language: Italiano. url Vimeo: Photos: Album in Flickr. Post: Cooperazione e competizione: è ora di riavvolgere ... La svolta dei nostri anni Venti: innovare cooperando.

Francesco Samorè

Journal of Responsible Innovation: Volume 6, Issue 3 Reviewed

Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol6, Issue3 Late last year saw the release of issue 3 of Volume 6 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this post we offer an overview of this Issue. This issue of the journal opens with Erik Fisher’s Editorial entitled Learning from Failure, in which the Journal’s Editor in Chief ... Journal of Responsible Innovation: Volume 6, Issue 3 Reviewed

Jonathan Hankins

Challenges For Responsible Innovation: Milan.

On 23 January, the Bassetti Foundation hosted René von Schomberg for a Challenges for Responsible Innovation event, one of a series organized to celebrate the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. The Foundation is pleased to be able to share videos, podcast and photos of the meeting with supporting summary.     INDEX: Videos part ... Challenges For Responsible Innovation: Milan.

Redazione FGB

The role of politics: To define the space for responsibility while making history

This post is based upon my speech delivered at the Milan Challenges for Responsible Innovation event held on 23 January 2020. In it, I would like to offer my own interpretation of two aspects of Bassetti Foundation thinking and the approaches that they have led to, and outline some of the developments that led to ... The role of politics: To define the space for responsibility while making history

Jonathan Hankins