Drugs for People, not for Profit.

On Saturday 29th September 2009 an article appeared in the Guardian one of the UK’s wider read broadsheets entitled ‘Soaring Drugs Bill Threatens to Bankrupt NHS’. The article refers to ... Drugs for People, not for Profit.

Comunità alpine

Si terrà a Mendrisio dal 3 al 4 settembre 2009 il  workshop "«Comunità alpine» vent’anni dopo. Percorsi e prospettive di ricerca nelle Alpi, tra antropologia e storia", in onore di ... Comunità alpine

A Little Ethical Light Reading for the holidays

Richard G Epstein works in the Department of Computer Science, West Chester University of PA, where he teaches courses on computer science, software engineering and computer security and ethics. His ... A Little Ethical Light Reading for the holidays

Neuroscienze e futuro militare

" Emerging neuroscience opportunities have great potential to improve soldier performance and enable the development of technologies to increase the effectiveness of soldiers on the battlefield. Advances in research and ... Neuroscienze e futuro militare

Will Machines Outsmart Humans?

This week the New York Times published an interesting article entitled Scientists Worry That Machines May Outsmart Man, written by John Markoff, their Silicon Valley Reporter. The author sites a ... Will Machines Outsmart Humans?

Oversights in Oversighting Nanotechnology

In this article I would like to follow up on my series of postings on nanotechnology by taking a look at the recent report entitled Oversight of Next Generation Nanotechnology ... Oversights in Oversighting Nanotechnology

Bio-orthopaedics between innovation and health policies

An interview with Alberto Gobbi By Maria Cristina Paganoni “Bio-orthopaedics”, the youngest and most promising offspring of orthopaedics, can be broadly summarized as the attempt to regenerate damaged joint tissue ... Bio-orthopaedics between innovation and health policies

Ethics and Innovation – slide

A seguito della partecipazione della FGB al tredicesimo International Intensive Course in Bioethics intitolato Humanizing Tomorrow’s Biomedicine, dal 13 al 24 luglio 2009 a Udine, rendiamo disponibili le slide delle ... Ethics and Innovation – slide

An Introduction to Synthetic Biology

The first question must be what is synthetic biology? Variously touted as pertaining to the discipline of engineering, biology, genetics, nanotechnology or computing, the most common description is that of ... An Introduction to Synthetic Biology

Un’agenda di ricerca per il cibo "glocal"

A seguire dal convegno su “La reinvenzione del cibo” precedentemente segnalato, tenutosi a Bergamo il 30 giugno e 1 luglio 2009, dedico qui uno spazio di condivisione dell’agenda di ricerca ... Un’agenda di ricerca per il cibo "glocal"

L’etica del nuovo

Il 15 luglio 2009, a Roma, ECSEL in collaborazione con la Cattedra Jean Monnet dell’Università Sapienza di Roma e il NetWork di BioDiritto e BioEtica, organizza la tavola rotonda “L’etica ... L’etica del nuovo

Media, Innovation, and Bioethics

Media play a major role in the healthcare system, affecting medical research, public policy, clinical practice, and self care. Many of the goals of bioethical practice, including patient wellness, patient ... Media, Innovation, and Bioethics