Sostenibilità del cibo, una possibile innovazione responsabile

Venerdì 22 ottobre 2010 ho partecipato all’evento "Food For Mind. Mind For Health" organizzato dal Centro Europeo IUHPE (International Union for Health Promotion and Education) e da CIPES (Confederazione Italiana ... Sostenibilità del cibo, una possibile innovazione responsabile

Fine vita: la discussione è fuori dai palazzi decisionali

Il fine vita è argomento scomodo e poco battuto dai media se non in concomitanza di notizie “forti”, come il video sull’eutanasia di Exit da poco in rete nella versione ... Fine vita: la discussione è fuori dai palazzi decisionali

Change makers

by Peter Goldmark If you go on the web to you will find the website for Changemakers, a program of the Ashoka Society. The Ashoka Society is one of ... Change makers

AAA Meeting – Sustainable Innovations

Il 19 novembre 2010 nell’ambito del Meeting annuale della American Anthropological Association, Cristina Grasseni e Jeff Ubois parteciperanno al panel Sustainable Innovations: Forging Partnerships, Knowledge Exchange, And Reciprocit organizzato da ... AAA Meeting – Sustainable Innovations

The Genes and Patent issue

On Friday 30th October The New York Times business section carried an article entitled ‘US Says Genes Should Not Be Eligible For Patents’ written by Andrew Pollack. In the article ... The Genes and Patent issue

Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

At the Trento EASST conference, held 1-4th September 2010, workshop/track 32. “Practicing Responsibilities” was co-chaired by Cristina Grasseni (University of Bergamo / Bassetti Foundation); Luca Guzzetti (University of Genova) and ... Practicing Responsibilities: social engagement, controversy and innovation

Solar energy farms

Next weekend an article appeared in the Bergamo local paper L’Eco di Bergamo that is worthy of reporting as I feel it offers some food for thought for Foundation website ... Solar energy farms

La guerra dei robot al Festival della Scienza di Genova

Si è aperto oggi il Festival della Scienza di Genova che, come ogni anno, trasforma ogni vicolo della città portuale in un porto per parlare di Scienza. Del programma ricchissimo ... La guerra dei robot al Festival della Scienza di Genova

Climate change and public involvement

The Accent project promoted by the European Science Centre. Climate change issues are clearly a growing concern for the public today. In recent years, people have received a great deal ... Climate change and public involvement

Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference 2010

The Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference takes place between the 27th and 29th of October. It is hosted by the The Government of India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ... Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference 2010

Il Nobel della discordia

Raramente l’assegnazione dei Nobel per le materie scientifiche guadagna, in Italia, le prime pagine dei giornali. Quest’anno però il premio per la medicina è andato a Robert G. Edwards, inventore ... Il Nobel della discordia

Food for Mind. Food for Health

(leggi in Italiano) Between Friday 22nd and Sunday 24th October the city of Torino hosts the “Food For Mind. Mind For Health” conference and Cristina Grasseni of the Bassetti Foundation ... Food for Mind. Food for Health