Ripensare l’uomo nel XXI secolo

Nell’ultimo decennio la scienza biomedica è stata protagonista di una fortissima accelerazione, dovuta allo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie che permettono di studiare con una precisione sempre maggiore i meccanismi che ... Ripensare l’uomo nel XXI secolo

Primavera accademica?

Il fenomeno Open Science non può essere relegato alla cornice della discussione accademica. Investe invece tutte le componenti delle società moderne, e in primo luogo i decisori politici e coloro ... Primavera accademica?

Sequencing the Genome of Unborn Babies

As a follow on from my post about 23andMe and genetic testing last month, I would like to point readers towards a story that is just breaking here in the ... Sequencing the Genome of Unborn Babies

Launch of the UCS Center for Science and Democracy

On Thursday May 17th 2012 I attended the launch of The Union of Concerned Scientists’ Center for Science and Democracy. The launch was entitled Science and Democracy in Turmoil: Restoring ... Launch of the UCS Center for Science and Democracy

Le neuroscienze a Padova. Report, foto e video – seconda parte

(continua dal post precedente) La seconda giornata ha visto due sessioni in fecondo dialogo tra loro. La prima sessione, dal titolo “La morale ‘naturalizzata’“, moderata da Pietro Pietrini (video n.12, ... Le neuroscienze a Padova. Report, foto e video – seconda parte

Le neuroscienze a Padova. Report, foto e video

Il report (a cura di Andrea Lavazza) Le neuroscienze tra spiegazione della vita e cura della mente. E’ stato questo il tema generale della quarta edizione del Convegno scientifico internazionale ... Le neuroscienze a Padova. Report, foto e video

The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Towards the understanding of science communication and its potential role to bring prosperity in the rural and agro-based community of Pakistan by Naeema Siddiqui (Institute of Social & Cultural Studies ... The potential role of science communication in Pakistan

Who’s Responsible?

Cristina Grasseni and The Bassetti Foundation at EASA The 2012 European Association of Social Anthropologists conference (EASA) takes place at Université Paris Nanterre in July of this year, and long ... Who’s Responsible?

Architecture and public science communication

The role of aesthetics and design in science and technology museum. by Patricia Ríos Cabello (PhD Candidate. Humanistic Studies. Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México) ... Architecture and public science communication

‘It feels like the right thing to do’: ethical perspectives of open science

by Ann Grand. Open science, an approach in which the entirety of an investigation – questions, raw data, methodologies, results, models, published outputs and more – is made available online, ... ‘It feels like the right thing to do’: ethical perspectives of open science

Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 2

In Florence on 20th April 2012 the Bassetti Foundation organized a seminar as part of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST2012). This international conference hosted scientists, delegates ... Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 2

Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 1

In Florence on 20th April 2012 the Bassetti Foundation organized a seminar as part of the Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference (PCST2012). This international conference hosted scientists, delegates ... Responsibility and Communication at PCST 2012 – part 1