An Interview with Chris Howard, CEO of Libboo

Chris Howard is CEO and co owner of Libboo, a high profile online publishing venture based in Cambridge Massachusetts. In this interview carried out in January 2013, Jonathan Hankins poses ... An Interview with Chris Howard, CEO of Libboo

Aaron Swartz, an open-minded ‘kid genius’

L’impegno per l’accesso libero alle pubblicazioni scientifiche da parte di Aaron Swartz è stato ricordato dalla rete in un tributo alla sua morte, avvenuta qualche giorno fa. Anche noi non ... Aaron Swartz, an open-minded ‘kid genius’

Nuffield Council on Bioethics Biotechnologies Report

In December of last year the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published a report entitled Emerging Biotechnologies: technology, choice and the public good. In this post Jonathan Hankins reviews the report ... Nuffield Council on Bioethics Biotechnologies Report

Le nanotecnologie e l’amianto

Nella Lecture del 27 novembre scorso, Michael Bruch ha brevemente accennato al fatto che i media tendono a considerare i rischi derivanti dalle nanotecnologie alla stregua di quelli determinati dall’amianto. ... Le nanotecnologie e l’amianto

Global Risk 2012, World Economic Forum Report

Recently the World Economic Forum released its Global Risk 2012 report, the seventh in an annual series of such reports and an initiative of their Risk Response Network. In this ... Global Risk 2012, World Economic Forum Report

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Videos.

On November 27, 2012 at Università Bocconi, Michael Bruch held a lecture on the role insurers can play in the development of innovative technologies such as nanotechnologies. Here the videos ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch. Videos.

Rischio e Responsabilità nell’Innovazione.

Lecture di Michael Bruch all’Università Bocconi (Qui i video e altri materiali) Le nanotecnologie sono una scienza applicata in forte sviluppo, che ha un enorme potenziale per la creazione di ... Rischio e Responsabilità nell’Innovazione.

Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch.

Lecture by Michael Bruch at the Bocconi University. (Here the videos and other materials) Nanotechnology is an applied science developing rapidly and having an enormous potential for the creation of ... Risk and Responsibility in Innovation. Lecture by Michael Bruch.

2012, a Review of the Year

2012 was a busy year for the Bassetti Foundation. In this post we take a look back at some of the major events. December saw the release of the latest ... 2012, a Review of the Year

Italian Design a San Francisco

Save the date: Italian Design: realizing the improbable, innovating with beauty. (San Francisco, Italian Cultural Institute, 21-27 June 2013). (vedi anche articoli più recenti) Tre diverse modalità espressive – il ... Italian Design a San Francisco

L’innovazione responsabile. Il report dell’evento

Il resoconto dell’evento del 5 novembre 2012 in Fondazione Giannino Bassetti, tra parole e immagini della serata La presentazione del primo volume della collana sull’Innovazione Responsabile, a cura del Centro ... L’innovazione responsabile. Il report dell’evento

A Handbook for Responsible Innovation

Last week saw the latest in the Bassetti Foundation Lecture series at the Bocconi University in Milan. Michael Bruch spoke about the role of insurance companies within innovative technologies with ... A Handbook for Responsible Innovation