Potere digitale: fra ideali e realtà. In dialogo con Gabriele Giacomini

Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha avuto il piacere di ospitare lo scorso 7 maggio un dialogo con Gabriele Giacomini, autore del libro titolato “Potere Digitale. Come internet sta cambiando la sfera ... Potere digitale: fra ideali e realtà. In dialogo con Gabriele Giacomini

Utrecht Degrowth Symposium

The first Utrecht Degrowth Symposium was held at Utrecht University on Friday 28 June, aiming to consolidate the emerging degrowth platform in the Netherlands with international experts from various disciplines. ... Utrecht Degrowth Symposium

International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

This, the third and final collection of abstracts from the forthcoming International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, contains Parts Four and Five: Regional Practices and Interviews. The regional Practices section offers ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 3

International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

As regular readers will know, Mid July sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation, A Global Resource, Edited by Rene von Schomberg and Bassetti Foundation Foreign Correspondent ... International Handbook on Responsible innovation: Overview part 2

PRISMA Industrial Roadmap

Thursday 27 June, 2019 saw the final meeting of the PRISMA project in Brussels, with Jonathan Hankins attending on behalf of the Bassetti Foundation. Prisma is an almost completed European ... PRISMA Industrial Roadmap

Forum on Research and Innovation: first face to face meeting in Milan.

“Trust is the oxygen of sustainable business and governance, and without it not much is possible” noted a few weeks ago TIGTech’s director Conrad von Kameke commenting the great technological ... Forum on Research and Innovation: first face to face meeting in Milan.

International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

July of 2019 sees the release of the International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A Global Resource, edited by René von Schomberg and myself, Jonathan Hankins. The Handbook represents the largest ... International Handbook on Responsible Innovation: An Overview

Around Mobility #MEET Jeffrey Schnapp

Si è tenuto lo scorso 11 giugno il terzo appuntamento di Around Mobility, il progetto pensato e realizzato da Fondazione Giannino Bassetti e MEET dedicato alla mobilità del futuro. Protagonista ... Around Mobility #MEET Jeffrey Schnapp

Automotive e sicurezza

SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) è un’organizzazione americana che opera nei settori dell’automotive, aerospaziale e dei veicoli commerciali e ha come mission “Promuovere la conoscenza e le soluzioni della mobilità ... Automotive e sicurezza

It’s Circular Forum. Future Cities smart, digital and circular. Le città del futuro interconnesse

Il 23 marzo 2019 si è svolta, presso l’Auditorium di Assimpredil Ance a Milano, la seconda edizione del forum sull’economia circolare “It’s Circular Forum”. Quest’anno gli interventi sono stati dedicati ... It’s Circular Forum. Future Cities smart, digital and circular. Le città del futuro interconnesse

Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol 6 issue 1 reviewed

March of 2019 saw the release of Issue 1 of Volume 6 of the Journal of Responsible Innovation. In this review we present an overview of the publication. In his ... Journal of Responsible Innovation, vol 6 issue 1 reviewed

Per Around Mobility arriva Jeffrey Schnapp, un approccio responsabile (e italico) all’innovazione della mobilità

In arrivo il terzo appuntamento di Around Mobility – Meet the Media Guru, semestre di ricerca e disseminazione sul futuro della mobilità, co-creato da Fondazione Giannino Bassetti e MEET | ... Per Around Mobility arriva Jeffrey Schnapp, un approccio responsabile (e italico) all’innovazione della mobilità