Collaboration during COVID-19 | Bottom-up and open source initiatives: report them here!

( Update: April 9, 2020. We therefore await your reports to: ) Finding concrete answers to the needs emerging from the pandemic. From the 3D printing of respirator valves ... Collaboration during COVID-19 | Bottom-up and open source initiatives: report them here!

Collaborare ai tempi del COVID-19 | Iniziative bottom-up e open source: mandaci le tue segnalazioni!

( Aggiornato il: 20 aprile 2020. Per le segnalazioni scrivere a: ) Dare risposte concrete ai bisogni emersi con la pandemia. Dalla stampa 3D di valvole per i respiratori, ... Collaborare ai tempi del COVID-19 | Iniziative bottom-up e open source: mandaci le tue segnalazioni!

L’oltre Bassettiano in sanità.

Contributo al dibattito aperto da Piero Bassetti sulla sfida epocale e la necessità di rileggere il potere a partire dall’oltre. L’oltre Bassettiano Il pensiero di Piero Bassetti non è facilmente ... L’oltre Bassettiano in sanità.

Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

For the first time, humanity in its entirety is having to face glocal problems: a pandemic virus, the ecological survival of the planet, life with artificial intelligence, how to deal ... Five Open Questions about the Post Covid 19 World.

Cinque domande aperte sul dopo-Covid 19

Per la prima volta il genere umano, nella sua interezza, fronteggia problemi glocali: un virus pandemico, la sopravvivenza ecologica della terra, convivere con l’intelligenza artificiale, rapportarsi allo spazio infinito del ... Cinque domande aperte sul dopo-Covid 19

In dialogo con ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

The reason we don’t live in a dungeon is because people have joined together to change things Noam Chomsky I moderni insegnano che le tragedie non sono semplici cattive notizie. ... In dialogo con ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

In Response to ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.

In his article ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK, Maurizio Bettiga proposes two opposing and contrasting (possible) policy justifications for the action taken to limit ... In Response to ‘On policy choices by european countries during the 2020 Covid-19 outbreak’.


On March 11th, 2020, The World Health Organisation (WHO) has characterised COVID-19 as a pandemic. In its statement regarding this assessment, WHO has also clearly expressed its position regarding the ... ON POLICY CHOICES BY EUROPEAN COUNTRIES DURING THE 2020 COVID-19 OUTBREAK.

Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation. A book by Ilse Marschalek.

A critical reflection from the practitioner’s point of view. Book Review Introduction In the open access publication Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation, Ilse Marschalek investigates the roles that ... Public Engagement in Responsible Research and Innovation. A book by Ilse Marschalek.

Diario FGB – 29 febbraio 2020

À rebours: settimana in Fondazione Bassetti conclusa conversando di innovazione e diritto (anche) in Cina insieme a Renzo Cavalieri e Luigi Colombo: progetti di cui riparleremo; e poi pensieri politecnici ... Diario FGB – 29 febbraio 2020

Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

TRANSFORM stands for Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies, through new Forms of Open and Responsible Decision-Making and is our second Horizon 2020 project. This time ... Territories as Responsive and Accountable Networks of Smart Specialization Strategies: TRANSFORM project

Intervista sulla storia

Piero Bassetti è stato protagonista del primo incontro del ciclo “Brava Gente” di Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli. Un’intervista sulla storia, dedicata al “Capitalismo”, svoltasi a Milano il 20 febbraio 2020 e ... Intervista sulla storia