Un’etica per i robot

Nella pagina delle Segnalazioni è stato inserito l’annuncio di due convegni, promossi dalla Scuola di Robotica dell’Università di Genova, aventi per tema la “Roboetica“, un neologismo coniato dal Prof. Gianmarco ... Un’etica per i robot

On the Governance of International Business Standards, a letter by Sunil Bedi

I have been concerned about governance of international business standards. Here are my thoughts: The article raised issues that will become increasingly significant in defining international commerce and related exchanges. ... On the Governance of International Business Standards, a letter by Sunil Bedi

Robot: a Genova due conferenze su roboetica

Prenderà il via il 16 aprile prossimo a Genova un breve ciclo di conferenze sulla Roboetica dal titolo ”Tri@loghi” e che si svolgeranno presso il Palazzo Ducale di Genova, nei ... Robot: a Genova due conferenze su roboetica

Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 6: Conclusions and suggestions

In conclusion, the introduction of modern biotechnology might not increase food production, but has the potential to reduce the impact of production methods associated with the (not so) Green Revolution ... Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 6: Conclusions and suggestions

Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 5: Policy Implications

As a member of WTO, India has opted for a sui generis intellectual property legislation stated in The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers Act of 2001. According to this ... Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 5: Policy Implications

Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 1: Introduction

Two popular assumptions justify the introduction of Genetically Modified (GM) seeds in agriculture. One is demographics, and especially the expectation that according to current rates of population growth in the ... Modern Biotechnology in LDCs: governing innovation in India’s agricultural markets – Part 1: Introduction

Inter – Inter – net

+-------------------------+ | Earth's Internet | | DTN Region: earth.sol | | +---+ | +-----------/ /|--------+ +---+ | |G/W| + +----------| 1 |/---------+ | +---+ | | The "Backbone" | | ... Inter – Inter – net

Modern Biology and Visions of Humanity [update 25/03/04 – 26/03/04]

Click here for the English version of this post Si è svolto a Genova un convegno che presenta notevoli punti di attinenza con le tematiche (e –perché no?– con “la” ... Modern Biology and Visions of Humanity [update 25/03/04 – 26/03/04]

Informazione e società del rischio

‘La gente sente di vivere in un mondo molto più rischioso del passato. La strage di Madrid, o quella di ieri a Baghdad, ed il loro impatto sui media sono ... Informazione e società del rischio