Nel dicembre del 2017 è stato varato il Foro Regionale per la Ricerca e l’Innovazione chiamato, con compiti consultivi, propositivi e informativi, a supportare la Regione Lombardia in tutte le decisioni e gli ambiti interessati dall’innovazione.
Prosegue la serie di interviste che la piattaforma Open Innovation ha dedicato ai membri che costituiscono il Foro con quella a Ralf Lindner, esperto di Technology Assessment e progetti UE del Fraunhofer Institute di Monaco.
Ralf Lindner: “L’innovazione oggi? Affrontare sfide e bisogni sociali con obiettivi concreti”.
Queste le domande poste nell’intervista (in inglese):
- Dr. Lindner, you coordinate the subject area “Technology Assessment and Governance” at Fraunhofer ISI, which is part of Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. How and where did you develop your knowledge and expertise?
- You have been involved in national and international projects on Technology Assessment, RRI, innovation governance and policy for both the European Parliament and the German Bundestag. What is the relevance of this kind of initiatives and why is it so important to have such offices devoted to TA linked to local or European Parliament?
- What could be the added value of the Forum in Lombardy, the first of its kind introduced by a Regional Government?
- According to your experience, what are the most recent trends in innovation policy and the role of innovation strategies of national and regional governments?
- You have been and are involved in many EU funded projects, also coordinating some of them, on “Responsible Research and Innovation”: why is this approach to innovation so promising, and on the other hand, what are the risks of not choosing this approach?
- How relevant do you think is it nowadays to communicate to lay audiences the direction of research and the most promising scientific and technological achievements? Do you think the general public should be involved in the decision processes related to such topics?
Leggi l’intervista nella piattaforma di Open Innovation.