(Continua dal precedente post)
Fondazione Giannino Bassetti ha contribuito all’organizzazione della 5th STS Italia Conference “A Matter of Design. Making Society through Science & Technology”, che si è svolta a Milano tra il 12 e il 14 giugno 2014, in collaborazione con il Politecnico di Milano Doctoral School in Design.
La sessione plenaria del 13 giugno, ha visto succedersi due lecture. Due giorni fa abbiamo pubblicato il video di una delle due, quella di Kjetil Fallan (University of Oslo), titolata “Our Common Future: Joining Forces for Histories of Sustainable Design“. Oggi rendiamo disponibile il video di quella di Elizabeth Shove (Lancaster University).
Elizabeth Shove: “The Design of Everyday Life”
“In this talk I explore the potential for theoretical cross-fertilisation between STS, material culture/ consumption, and design research. I argue that suitably materialised theories of social practice provide a means of making connections between these disciplines, and of generating new ways of thinking about the design of everyday life. My method is to discuss a handful of examples chosen to illustrate specific theoretical challenges. In talking about home DIY projects, I push STS concepts of scripting and delegation to the limit; a discussion of digital photography reveals a dynamic ecology of products and practices; my account of plastic brings the material back into studies of material culture, and a discussion of kitchens forces us to confront complicated questions about the relation between artefacts, infrastructures and social practices. In the last part of the talk I bring some of these ideas together and consider their implications for processes of product design.”
Il video è visibile anche nel nostro account in Vimeo.
Le altre Sessioni Plenarie di “A Matter of Design:
Charis Thompson (London School of Economics):
“Good Science: Designing for Reproductive and Regenerative Ethics”
Kjetil Fallan (University of Oslo):
“Our Common Future: Joining Forces for Histories of Sustainable Design“.
Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University):
“Imagined and Invented Worlds: The Three Symmetries of STS“.
Vedi tutto l’album video di “A Matter of Design” >>>
Qui anche le fotografie delle tre giornate.